Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - April 2021

Just booked an appointment* for the second week of May at NTUH. I noticed that many of the slots available yesterday were full up today - I think only two slots were full yesterday, compared to about half today.

*Technically I booked two appointments, because I didn’t notice when booking that NTUH’s web admins had, as part of Taiwan’s efforts to ensure a consistently shitty user experience, listed the afternoon appointments for each date above the morning appointments. Good work, guys.


Yeah, you don’t need either. Passport only is fine (I’m on an extended tourist visa and also got mine at Kmuh)


I think it’s more about general differences in hospital pricing. NTUH and Far Eastern are both NT$600, which seems to be at the high end for Taipei.

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I’m wondering with the 2nd vax, if we’ll be classed as using one of the regular vaccine slots or if they’ll have a 2nd batch of slots for us.

Just a little concerned that if there’s a mad rush for vaccines because of the current mini outbreak, that I won’t be able to get a slot booked for my 2nd shot.

Common sense would be that 2nd shot people are given a priority or done with separate appointments. But Taiwan doesn’t do common sense a lot of the time.

If they have a passport, that should theoretically be possible, since the paid vaccine option was presented as being available to anyone in Taiwan, regardless of residency status.

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I asked more or less the same question today, but the only thing that they could tell me was to “contact the hospital after 6-7 weeks from the first jab to book a slot for the second”, which sounds to me like they don’t know either.

Took it out of my post. Apologies. I got wrong information :pray:

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That’s what happens when you give all your money to your wife.

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Try Far Eastern Memorial Hospital (Banqiao) or Tri-Service General Hospital (Neihu)

I am wondering if I can show my dissatisfaction of having to pay for the vaccine by paying the 600nt, all in 1nt coins?

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You can pay for a shot sooner, or wait longer for the free one. I want to get vaxed ASAP (would really like to visit family back home), so I am happy to pay for the privilege of a shot next week.

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it’s just a joke anyways.

I don’t know how much longer Taiwan can keep it under control and it’s looking like it may lose control. Might as well get vaccinated now.

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Cheers, I was thinking whether I should call next week for it, but if you’ve been told to just wait, then that’s fine. I’m guessing they are gonna see how many second jabs need doing and then get that sorted.

Yeah, I guess they don’t know. From what I’ve read (IIRC), all of the current stock will have expired by the time people being vaccinated now will need a second dose, so I’m guessing they’ll need to order more.

Still seems that a lot is going to expire. Maybe Taiwan should donate the surplus doses to India or something, if nobody is gonna use them.

I would really like to get a shot but I have no plans to leave Taiwan until end of this year at the earliest

Just go for it. By the sounds of it, they’re gonna end up in the bin. So there’s no moral dilemna about jumping the queue.

I’m not planning to go visit home until next year and got it. Figure it’s better in my arm than in a bin.


There are no ‘free’ vaccine shots. The subsidized shots still cost like 200 TWD.
Similar to visiting a doctor and getting medicine with NHI.

Yeah…given the low vaccination rate of the priority groups and more and more doses being made available for self-paid…I feel like I’ll just go ahead and try to register to get a shot next month sometime.

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They could open vaccinations up to more days and times. It’s so limited now I can’t fit it into my schedule.

Yeah, maybe just get it if you want? My logic was twofold:

  1. My brother is getting married in the UK in August (originally May but they postponed). I haven’t yet decided if I’ll go, mostly due to the quarantine and associated expense, but I’d like to keep the option open.
  2. I suspect that the government will be reluctant to order more large batches after the current mess, and I presume that the Moderna vaccines etc. will be distributed according to a priority list I’m pretty low on. Hence, I’m guessing it’ll be harder to get vaccinated if we don’t do it now, especially if the shit hits the fan as it may eventually do and there’s a rush on vaccines.