Covid vaccines for children?

Friends in Canada took great care to protect themselves from covid. Sent their kids to school… guess what the little ones brought home?

They were asymptomatic so parents had no clue that they had contracted the virus. Result: both parents contracted the virus and developed symptoms.

In their case they were fine. In other cases, perhaps one parent or grandparent would have ended up in ICU or worse.

So please don’t tell me kids can’t spread it to more vulnerable people. They can, they do, and they will continue to do so. This is why we need to protect them because doing so protects everyone in our family.


Who is saying that?

I guess you’re referring here to the most vulnerable, the elderly with multiple comorbidities, as the data clearly supports the case that children are at an extremely low risk of illness or death due to Covid. The elderly, who may have various pre-existing illnesses, are slightly more at risk.

That’s the usual case. 99.6% mild or zero symptoms.

I gather the kids were also fine? That’s also what the Covid statistics seem to highlight.

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Are you saying vaccinated = can’t get Covid?


Vaccinated = less likely to get and spread Covid than unvaccinated.

It doesn’t eliminate risk; it reduces risk. That has a cumulative effect when more people are vaccinated.


So the kids didn’t have symptoms. Not much of a danger to them then. That is great.

All the rest of the post is irrelevant to the question.

Level of danger for children from covid.

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Good for them, sure, but less so for those they infect.

Then vaccinate the vulnerable, if they so choose. Problem solved, according to vaccine companies.

If the vulnerable don’t want to be vaccinated, and one is worried about them dying from Covid, then restrict and/or reduce your contact with them, so they don’t get sick or die.


If you are worried, just stay away from kids. But kids interact with other adults so you better stay away from them, too.

Vaccinating them won’t solve your problem. Just creates more asymptomatic kids for you to fear, I guess.

Everyone is going to come into contact with covid. I don’t know why people care if they catch it from an unvaccinated kid on Tuesday or a triple vaxxed guy called Bob on Wednesday.


Then you’d be letting children and schools become reservoirs for more mutations and variants.

Vaccinate the kids. The vaccines are safe.

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Sounds like hyperbole.

I’m pro-choice, and against forced Covid vaccination.

The vaccines have side effects. Hence VAERS. Suspected deaths following vaccination in Taiwan for 0-18 now number 4. Also, feel free to peruse the Covid vaccine companies’ self-published side effects. For example, for Pfizer, the listed number of adverse side effects is over 1000 documented specific and individual side effects from that vaccine alone.


Back to this old line. Look at the vaccination rates in the rest of the world. how would vaccinating kids in Taiwan stop new variants?

I quite like this latest variant. More than i liked Delta for sure.


has taiwan vaccinated 5-11yr olds?

according to the CDC for America only pfizer/bnt is approved for kids 5-11 in the states? does taiwan still have BNT doses?

It’s starting (well, one more government approval). With Moderna. 1/4 of the amount used for adults, I believe (I read this somewhere).


Have any countries actually given moderna to kids this age?

It has been authorized in the Uk, doesn’t mean that anyone will actually receive it.

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What im worry is about childrens. I have my 1yr baby on Babycare Center, so Mom & I can work. Right now, if Taiwan stop all these restrictions like other countries did, for us the adults will be just like a flu. No more deaths like first year, unless you are a very old people, have a bad health or if you are a CHILD.

If Schools or baby centers decide to close, what happens to the working parents ? I really hope the laboratory that made MEdigen Vaccine, can focus on make a lighter vaccine / medicine for Pregnant and childrens 0-5 yrs old and soon Taiwan can finish all restrictions and we all gather together holding hands making a Peace symbol while singing Kumbaya XD


and you are healthy then you have nothing to worry about

Babycare center = kids always easy to get disease from other babies. That’s my worry.

If babycare and school closes, no problem, I’m healthy, I could work from home and take care of baby. But mom’s job need to be at office. And with all these new asymptomatic cases, you never know.

If I recall this child had another medical issue


Children are always at risk of complications from viral illnesses, but thankfully they are quite rare, including from COVID

Just prior to COVID in 2019 for example, four children died in Taiwan from the flu within a very short timeframe. Every year many infants similarly end up in the ICU. RSV has killed quite a few children here and around 10 people under the age of 49 die every week here from the flu and other lung infections.

The point being that pre-Covid most people were (rightfully) not particularly worried about these things as they are very rare and were not plastered all over the news every day.


The worry as I read it was they are worried about mom and dad not being able to work due to infection as much as the effect on each persons health.