Covington Catholic High School incident

Despite their rush to settle, I still have no plans to watch Zucker’s Sandmann News Network anytime soon.

College is paid for that’s for sure. Would be funny if he is a journalism major tho…

Somehow I get the feeling he’ll want to keep a healthy distance from journalists for a while.


Not a problem as CNN and WaPoo have no Journalists just propaganda mouthpieces


I was going to put journalists in scare quotes, but that seems redundant these days.




King :prince:

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Still a prick in a MAGA hat :wink:

That is a shit load of cash.
I hope more people sue these shysters.


Shh, he’s buying for the next ten years.

Crying all the way to the bank.

No one knows how much they got. They didn’t get the full amount. They were paid to go away because it was too much trouble to keep fighting them. I’m sure these boys had a bunch of lawyers working pro Bono willing to appeal this for years. Sandman already lost in court the first time.

What’s the over/under on how much?

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$20 million, I suspect.

That sounds like a lot, but of course it’s just pocket lint to Bezos.

It’s actually not my number. It’s one Tim Pool threw out the other day, after (according to Pool) asking around.

I’ll take the under. No way they give that away without a trial.

Grandmaster trolling:

Same lawyer suing Ole Joe on behalf of Kenosha, WI self-defender

Are they letting hispanics be Nazis now? Standards have really slipped since the good old blonde-hair-and-blue-eyes days.