Crime rate in Taiwan vs. some western countries

I didnt mention anything about the currency trade.




Neither did I.

Africa has more genetic variety than anywhere else. That’s why scientists believe life started there.

What’s the first map?

So why did you mention strong NT?

I didnt say anything about the value of the TWD or currency markets

It may be what African nations would look like if redrawn along majority ethnic lines geographically

I guess you could do that to almost any country or continent.


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It depends on scales you use, but
what Taiwan would look like if redrawn along majority ethnic lines geographically could be


There is no way you draw majority ethnic lines on current Taiwan like that.



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We could say we are all monocultural human beings.

You know Madagascar is about 15 times bigger than Taiwan.

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Oh OK, I misunderstood you. You’re saying real wages are higher in Taiwan because everything is cheaper.

Here’s our official report:

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Yes. You can barely afford to live in Toronto or satellite cities nowadays. I can save money here on half the wage yet cousins of mine struggle at double wage.

Once i start makin even bigger bucks, i’ll be laughing.

Yeah, official studies on crime and migrants stopped in 2005, just before immigration surged.

Here’s something more recent (2020):

The author, Goran Adamson, is a self-described “Leftist”.

The investigation (from 2002 to 2017) covers seven distinct categories of crime, and distinguishes between seven regions of origin. Based on 33 per cent of the population (2017), 58 per cent of those suspect for total crime on reasonable grounds are migrants. Regarding murder, manslaughter and attempted murder, the figures are 73 per cent, while the proportion of robbery is 70 per cent.


What do you mean? This is not the first time in history that Sweden has had refugees. Or do you mean that these particular refugees are more prone to committing crimes than others in the past? So singling out specific countries (and race since the article counts children born in Sweden as immigrants as well)?

This article is rather weird and not peer-reviewed. It might be a new article but a lot of their references are old. If there is a reference at all, I should add, it was lacking a lot.

I only skimmed through it because I don’t have time but a few things that popped up in my mind was: why are the children who are born in Sweden by immigrant parents, counted as immigrants? Do you consider children born in Taiwan, by at least one immigrant parent, to be Taiwanese or immigrants?
Second, if those children are counted in the total immigrant statistics, it doesn’t really reflect “recent immigration after 2005”, does it as those children would be too young…

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I’m not saying any of these things. I’m stating that the research on crime figures you have provided was conducted in 2005 (which analysed data between 1997 and 2001) and for some reason no further research into immigration and crime was conducted after this by the Swedish government (other than some 2013 analysis of “socio-economic” reasons justifying any crimes committed). Immigration rose very rapidly immediately after 2005, as shown by the graph I provided. I have given you some much more up-to-date research by a Left wing professor of sociology. I find the government information you have provided to also be weird and, of course, not peer-reviewed because it seems to be consistently positive about immigration. It seems unlikely that everything is perfect.

The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) has conducted two studies on the representation of people with foreign backgrounds among crime suspects, the most recent in 2005.

It doesn’t bother me in the least if you choose to only be unquestioning about data that supports your beliefs. However, if you want to question me (more than half of crimes in Sweden are committed by immigrants) then you need to provide more than just 20 year old government endorsed data.

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I think the fact that they stopped it proves the point you’re making.

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It’s all about balance. If countries want to accept higher levels of crime in return for allowing large scale immigration then that’s their choice. But to provide 20 year old data as evidence that, say, 163,000 predominantly young men who entered Sweden in 2016 from war zones aren’t increasing crime rates is very odd IMO. Young men are the most likely demographic to commit crimes (particularly impulsive violent crime) and if they have been damaged psychologically this becomes even more likely.

Obviously not all migrants will be committing crimes, only a minority will. In almost all developed countries violent crimes have been in retreat. However, this is the graph for Sweden:

But, hey, I’m not Swedish and I have no plans to ever go there so they can do what they want.

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Did you put the footage of the 2 demanding money from you online?
Were you specifically targeted or they were going around the apartments?