Dating a woman with a kid


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Guy in front of the computer at 3 AM

You know…

Baby daddy?


She was cheated on and doesn’t get to see her kid often. If anything that makes her more likely to seek love. I actually know a few single moms who can’t stay single for a week.

If the kid is old enough and good looking like her mother, then why not? once the mother is too old o r two crazy you can start the relationship over with the younger version.


To the first part.

And to the second part of your post…you haven’t been in the States for a while. IJS

…and? I know single moms who’ve stayed single since the dissolution of the relationship that resulted in the birth of their child. I know single dads who weren’t cheated on who need to have a girlfriend all the time. Different people have different needs.

I think the kid is a major factor in the equation. If it’s a teenager who is going to hate anyone mom is dating by default, the relationship probably doesn’t have good odds of working out.

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I think OP mentioned having met the kid and it going well. Although teenagers can be pretty unpredictable.

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I was specifically responding to this. I don’t think its a safe bet that single moms don’t have waste time on non-serious relationships, that’s all.

Yeah, I was thinking more in general terms. I don’t really think the OP needs/would follow our advice.

I think it’s the parent’s responsibility to talk to the kid about their new relationship, reassure them as necessary, and ensure that their partner isn’t being needlessly disrespected while also respecting the kid’s right to their emotions. A delicate balancing act, to be sure…


I’m not going to read 50 posts of this shit.

The only thing I’ll say is I wouldn’t be here if my Dad hadn’t taken a chance on a single Mom. 40 years later they’re still happily married.

Do what you want, @ForuMosa1 but if she’s cool, go for it. Don’t be a superficial jerk about this “oh her body isn’t the same after a kid” crap either. There’s a whole category of porn called MILF for a reason. Plenty of moms look great and are great, inside and outside. People shouldn’t be prejudged or psychoanalyzed by people they’ve never even met, because they had a kid and now they’re single again. That’s such judgmental bullshit.



Yes. I’ve seen some pretty volatile situations involving single moms, their teenage kids and mom’s new boyfriend. :astonished:

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I don’t have to listen to you!! You’re not my DAD!!!

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Or even better: “I don’t have to listen to you! You’re not my MOM!”


people divorce these days, people who can’t handle these kind of things are a) still young and inexperienced or b) living in the past.


What if she has two kids from separate marriages

Every situation is different, I am not going to think about every specific situation and decide if that is ok…
More than 50% of mariages go bust, so it is a pretty common thing these days actually.