Depressing report on Taiwan's military

It’s not reality!

I’m sorry. Do you have some special insider information as well?

My hypothesis is this:
Someone (US?) gave Taiwan nukes.
Everyone higher up knows it including Beijing.
But Beijing struck a deal with Taiwan and others to no publicly disclose it. Taiwan agreed which guarantees peace secretly while Beijing can keep beating its drums about unification.
Taiwan can keep beating its drums about identity and democracy. And not bother to invest in a real armed force.

Beijing struck a deal with the west that if the existence of nukes is kept secret, they won’t invade. But you must switch sides officially. The west can keep beating its drums about protecting democratic values but keep doing business with slave labor from China.

During the Cold War, the United States deployed nuclear weapons on Taiwan as part of the United States Taiwan Defense Command. In 1972 the US President ordered nuclear weapons to be removed from Taiwan and this was implemented by 1974. Nuclear weapons are known to have been stored at Tainan Air Force Base.[2]

Maybe a few “survived” or new ones were given.


“ A study by the Mitre Corporation in 1977, included Taiwan in a list of “insecure” nuclear threshold states—states with the technical capability to develop nuclear weapons and the security motivations to seriously contemplate such an option.”

“ Another secret nuclear weapon program was revealed after the 1987 Lieyu massacre, [9][10]when Colonel Chang Hsien-yi, Deputy Director of Nuclear Research at INER,[11] who was secretly working for the CIA, defected to the U.S. in December 1987 and produced a cache of incriminating documents.[12]

Maybe the old betel nut chewing KMT supporting generals aren’t daft :grinning: They’re building or guarding a secret ultimate weapon and only look stupid.

What is not reality? The US military reports that say the Taiwan situation is precarious and that much of the US advantage in this area has been eroded by the PLA’s modernization? The commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command saying that the Chinese threat to Taiwan is “closer than most of us think”? The daily intrusions of Chinese military planes into Taiwan’s ADIZ? The fact that China is currently conducting military drills to the west and east of us and says these will become routine?

Please…tell us what’s not real.


The government doesn’t do those things because the people who vote for them don’t want them to do that (and the opposition definitely doesn’t want them to do that).

Well at least we know what those “helicopter batteries” from 2008 was for now.

Well a vote against beefing up defense is basically a vote for the end of Taiwan.

Sad that not enough Taiwanese realize it. Taiwan could use a Paul Revere. Not that anyone would listen…


Or biological weapons, which are easy to produce.

Covid 22 FTW!

He is forgetting that Poland has a land border and Taiwan has a sea patrolled by US nuclear subs. And Poland put up a decent fight and then later the Warsaw uprising plus causing the whole British Empire forces (Britain, Australia , New Zealand, India…). to declare war on the Nazi scum (same as CCP scum).

Lol. Haha. Ya. Because US subs will do anything. If anything they’ll say let’s divide Taiwan amicably.

Ah ok so you are admitting the subs could do something if they wished. And when they sink almost the entire Chinese Navy, the ones that avoided the mines, the CCP soldiers will soil their Made in China panties and the regime collapses which would be wonderful for the US. The reformers will retake power in China the then non CCP china.:grinning:
It will be a blood bath for the CCP

So you think they’ll attack? Asking for a friend…

So, these things are complicated.

This is undoubtedly true:

China has been investing and modernizing, and reportedly have strong A2AD capabilities, a credible sub fleet, and a pretty decent air force. I’m not sure why anyone would begin to think it’s a slam dunk to prevent China from invading.

But on the flip side:

The military is always saying that threats are imminent, especially when advocating for more budget. ;D

This doesn’t really have much meaning - they’re political games that doesn’t really tell you that much. Not that there’s no meaning, we just don’t know what it is. ;D

Eh. We conduct plenty of drills too. Doesn’t mean we’re getting ready to invade anyone.


Biden, or whoever is pulling his strings, has far exceeded my expectations on foreign policy.


It’s essentially a centrist, level headed status quo position, working with our traditional allies. What did you expect?


Yeah, the CCP is anything but stupid. Why risk the good thing going for Taiwan, which is almost as valuable for the rhetoric alone?

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He has a history of being soft on China (to be fair, there wasn’t the bipartisan consensus against China as there is today). His son owned part of a Chinese AI company that spies on Uyghurs, so there was a possibility he was compromised. His policies preferences on the Middle East were the worst among the Democratic candidates.

So I wasn’t expecting him to continue Trump’s tough policies on China. Then again, I don’t think he’s actually running the show. He belongs in an assisted living facility.

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There’s an element of truth to this certainly but you can read the expert assessments. The US is playing catch up in a lot of areas because for the past 2 decades it has been oriented to counter terrorism instead of great power competition. While the US was distracted chasing terrorist ghosts China was moving quickly and aggressively to build its military and nobody expected Russia to be so resurgent as well.

Read what the US military and think tanks/experts are saying. The purpose of the ADIZ intrusions is known to everyone and their brother. Its called gray zone warfare and it’s highly effective.

Again, read what the US military and think tanks/experts are saying. “Resolution” of the “Taiwan issue” is a huge focus for China (some insiders say it’s the reason Xitler went for lifetime rule) and much of its military modernization has been focused on developing the capabilities needed to 1) take Taiwan and 2) deny access to American/allied forces in the event of a conflict. The drills are part of this preparation and are also a form of gray zone warfare.

Everyone knows the US isn’t going to invade other countries in Asia let alone China. We only try that in the Mideast and we’re still licking our wounds from the last two clusterf*cks…

Maybe Trump might have been more uncertain, but basically no president is going to be soft on this. It’s one of the most rock-solid things in US foreign policy.

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