If you are thinking about taking a job teaching English in China, my strong advice to you is DON’T DO IT. Just don’t. Look for such a job in Vietnam or Thailand or Japan or Spain or the Czech Republic or really just about anywhere else in the world. I say this because teaching English in China has become that corrupt, that horrible, that exploitive, and that risky.
In case everyone had “visa issues” 啊! Or “Employment contract issues” 啊! or “medical and landlord issues” 啊! or “starting a school issues" 啊 (wtf is “starting school issues"?).
Because “everyone” is in capital letters? Actually, it’s a good piece which is applicable to anyone considering working or doing business in Red China, not just teechurs.
Prague … hmm , that reminds me of a very wild evening involving one of our friends and a dwarf stripper … but I digress , what was the question again ? . Oh yes this article . If I was a teacher in Taiwan , I may be worried that thousands of teachers will migrate from China to Taiwan
I dunno, dude. I visited there and got a weird vibe from some of the people. Say what you will about the Taiwanese being stubborn, obtuse, naive or even reckless, but they do have a certain warmth and hospitable character that makes you overlook other faults. I found Czech people to be cold and unfriendly and always looking at how they can take advantage of you. Maybe because I was a tourist. I don’t know if things would be different if I lived there. I will say Prague is extremely beautiful.
I’ve also heard others say what you’re saying. Especially how they felt like they were getting “scammed” a lot like getting charged more as foreigners.
Not really sure what they eat there. I imagine a lot of potato.
Czech food wasn’t good. Heavy brown sauces, potatoes, lots of carby bread stuff, lots of fatty ham and pork shaved off the bone, etc. Very hearty Central European cuisine. Good Pilsners though.
I worked in Prague for about 6 months in 2001. Not teaching. A lovely place and I didn’t have a problem with the food. I like that heavy central European stuff.
I did notice that even back then the locals were experiencing problems with tourists. Stag dos mainly.
Women were either short and dark or statuesque and blond.
is that just for Prague (which I agree is a cool city)?
But that’s kind of like living in Taipei City on bushiban income, right?
Must be a few smaller cities that are cheaper in Czech Republic.
Country so small, can go to Prague for nightlife.
How about Slovakia?
We loved the capital, Bratislava. A mini-walkable version of Prague AND the same good beer.
EDIT: I’ve read your link now. Teachers live in flat shares outside the city. Some of the advice on saving money is a bit sad. “Master the technique of the missed call”. Seriously?