Do not try to dig out your man's secrets

Why is it that a man’s sexual attractiveness to women goes up by 150% when he gets in a relationship? Do women really think that all single unattached men are all creepy, psychotic loners?

I would turn down that myself.

two sisters having sex with one man :noway: it’s sick.

threesome with two japanese girls is a other mather.

I sometimes go out with the chief and Irishstu. I’ve been out with Lord Lucan too. Can you even BEGIN to imagine the agonies my wife must go through? How can she ever hope to compete with the likes of that?

No doubt it keeps her trim and on her best toes. A fine strategy you got going there Sandman.


Atleast you are alowed to go out :unamused:

that’s aweful…think about how you feel if you find out that your SO has the thought and maybe did have sex with someone who is not attractive. [/quote]

She does. Not often enough if you ask me. That was part of the marriage deal thingy.


It’s a quality endorsement.
“This item is inspected, tested and approved by one of your peers”

All you have to do is buy a ten quid silver ring in Camden market and you’ll pull like Quasimodo. Bad similie. Smiliei. Sim… metaphor.

You can have “like” or “as” in a similar but not in a metaphor, so you’d have to actually pull Quasimodo. Or tug, I suppose. Jerk, maybe. I dunno. I’m stuck here until 11. Which is bad enough without picturing Lord Lucan tugging Quasimodo.

:idunno: It’s cos you know you’re not going to end up doing the housework and stuff.

A Girlfriend puts some decent clothes on my back, a home booked meal in my belly, and a spring in my step. Suddenly I am hot stuff.

Ok…slightly less nerdy.

The reason why men with women are more attractive is that they tend to not run around reeking of sexual desperation throwing horrible pick up lines at every woman who walks by.
The sexiest men are those who don’t try.

[quote=“SuchAFob”]The reason why men with women are more attractive is that they tend to not run around reeking of sexual desperation throwing horrible pick up lines at every woman who walks by.
The sexiest men are those who don’t try.[/quote]

Where as with women it’s the opposite.

There’s nothing like throwing yourself at a man to turn him on.

Women have it ridiculously easy. All you have to do is be a little bit sexual and you can pick up tons of men. It’s true, or else it wouldn’t be such a massive cliche.

The reason why men with women are more attractive is that they tend to not run around reeking of sexual desperation throwing horrible pick up lines at every woman who walks by.
The sexiest men are those who don’t try. [/quote]

Maybe that works for hot guys.

When I ignore women they quite happily ignore me right back.

When I make an effort on the other hand, I do surprisingly well.

Are you kidding? Day after fucking day its the bloody same. Just LEAVE ME ALONE you damn harpies! A minute’s peace! Is that too much to ask?

Here’s an extreme case of rejection. You don’t suppose the donor was an African student, do you?

“I’ll have that one! The wife will love it!”

“You keep that thing away from me, hear?”


[quote]First penis transplant comes unstuck
Ian Sample in London
September 19, 2006
A CHINESE man who had the world’s first penis transplant had the organ removed two weeks later because he and his wife had a “severe psychological problem” with his new penis.

The man’s penis was damaged beyond repair in an accident this year, leaving him with a one centimetre-long stump with which he was unable to urinate or have sexual intercourse.

“His quality of life was affected severely,” said Dr Weilie Hu, a surgeon at Guangzhou General Hospital,.

Doctors spent 15 hours attaching a 10-centimetre penis to the 44-year-old man after the parents of a brain-dead man half his age agreed to donate their son’s organ.

The procedure, described in a case study due to appear in the journal European Urology next month, represents a big leap forward in transplant surgery.

After 10 days, tests revealed the organ had a rich blood supply and the man was able to urinate normally. Although the operation was a surgical success, surgeons said they had to remove the penis two weeks later.

“Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfully had to be cut off,” Dr Hu said.

An examination of the organ showed no signs of it being rejected by the body, he said.[/quote]

I saw that on the BBC website. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth…

i don’t get it…that was the 1st transplant???

so how do those women becoming men do???

they just have deep voice and facial hairs but down there it’s… :idunno: :astonished:

I haven’t looked into the issue, but I believe they use the patient’s own material to erect it.