Do people stilll believe in love?

[quote]I’ve been through diamonds.
I’ve been through minks.
But one thing’s for sure.
Love stinks!
Yeah Yeah[/quote]

Earlier I stated that you don’t need love to “have sex”. Then I wrote that I love to have sex. Love would mean “really like” in this case.

Oh dear. I would never have asked her out, not at all what I was looking for… And now I’ve found myself thinking about her 24-7, with a really stupid smile on my face. Am I screwed or what? HEEELP! :noway: 救命, 救命!!! Someone just shoot me now. :loco:

Sounds like to me that you should just not go there.

Do I believe in love? Of course! I love my Mum, I love my friends, I love my dog. Wholeheartedly and unconditionally.

Do I believe in everlasting romantic love? Not sure. I’d like to. But I’m inclined to think that somewhere between adding a dash of infactuation, sex and whatever else, things get a little bit complicated.

If one can believe in love for a parent or sibling or the like for a lifetime, then why not a romantic partner? It’s just another person that perhaps you share certian intimacies with that you wouldn’t with another, but it’s still the unconditional love you freely give without the asking. This person becomes someone like a blood relative so it’s all about working things out, rather than finding a way to leave them. You can’t find a new dad or a new mom, can ya? Nah, you find a way to deal bc you love em no matter what. Sure, they drive you nuts sometimes, but hey, you prob drive them nuts sometimes too!

Also, it’s a decision you make. Because I value ltr rather than short term ones, I will put up with alotta crap bc in the end it’s just more meaningful to me to know someone for years and years and see them change and evolve and get to be a part of that.

So, yeah, I believe in love for many different people incl. a romantic partner. i Think it’s easy to put expectaions on a romantic partner that we norm wouldn’t put on our friends or relatives, rightly so at times, but they’re human too and can make mistakes, need their space, and all that stuff…

Just think of how hard it would be to spend a lifetime with yourself adn just be thankful that someone would want to do that with you, might even love that and that they thank their lucky stars that you feel the same way.

whew, i think my head might be in the clouds…

oh, and btw, not that all of us are actually stuck with our relatives, we def have “adoptive” ones , but i think ya know what i mean…

I’ll say it again…

I believe in mud. I’ve fallen in mud before.

Can’t say the same thing for love.

I could give you some lovin’ baby (if your’re a woman). But I’m in Korrea.



I certainly believe in love and the ability for two people to love each other for a very long time … my parents are a perfect example of that. I think the hope of finding “true love” is more important to me than most anything, be it school, money, etc. Without that “special feeling,” no matter how much money you make or how successful you are in your work (or in my case research), your life will tend to be quite dull … no one to share your excitement or disappointment with, no one to be with you on those lonely nights. Unfortunately, I’ve found that “love” is usually much lower on the list of priorities of many young Taiwanese I know, behind work/school, MONEY, and, of course, whatever mommy and daddy want. I’ve yet to meet many younger Taiwanese who are willing to take risks or make sacrifices for love. I think that’s very sad …

All you need is mud
Da da da da da da duh

Mud is allyou need

i still believe in love… but… i have a question for that. how can i find the right one??

be honest to yourself and give up when you need to…hold on when you feel you should.

good luck

easy to say. difficult to do, right? :wink: but i know he is somewhere else… :wink:

All you need is love…

yes… i need… :laughing:

i believe in lust, sanctified and redefined as "love’. couldn’t really be love though, because love is unconditional.
love involving sex (eros) isn’t has to be attracted to another. that’s a condition. therefore it isn’t love (agape). least that’s what they fed me at summer camp.
anyway theres a double standard. as long as i make the money she’ll stay. that’s a condition. too many conditions. couldn’t be love so there.

money is important. but it is not fair to say that. most of girls care the feelings…

money is important. but it is not fair to say that. most of girls care the feelings…[/quote]

I wonder… :noway:

Maybe for a while, but many girls are also looking for the BBD (bigger better deal) in the same way that many guys are looking for a sexy and beautiful woman. It’s very very very rare to find two people who love each other and get married (and stay married) despite any outside conditions such as physical attraction and finances… It does happen, but it’s very rare.

Damn, which summer camp did you go to? All I did was play volleyball and roast marshmallows.