Do you think there are enough English Counselling resources in Taiwan?

I am curious about as foreigners in Taiwan, did you guys feel like that the counselling therapy in English resource was not enough?

I didnā€™t expect there to be any English speaking therapists, so i dont feel there is a shortage.

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Tough to say if itā€™s ā€œenough,ā€ but Taipei has more than most cities in Asia. Elsewhere in Taiwan I would assume there arenā€™t as many.

Enough to fix the problems, no. i feel lacking a lot.

But more than they ought to be responsible for I guess as English isnt an official, or traditional, language here.


Many locals donā€™t speak English

Reposting and maybe re-reposting.

This information is from @BigJohn, and was confirmed by @maoman :

This information came from @the_chief, and itā€™s in Chinese, but I think they have English-speaking personnel:

This information came from @Taiwan_Luthiers:

I think I got most of the above from these threads:

Counsellor for my wife and I

Extremely stressed because of depressed girlfriend


Nor do they need to :wink:

the big difference here is people are social and more extrovert styled than say japan. so even if people here lack that education, they certainly have the motivation and love to try and help in english. even if that means some google help. one of the very big bonuses of taiwan: friendly and not shy to the level of crippling. nor hate filled to the level of crippling.

generally speaking, I find Taiwan easier in english than Japan or korea, and much less so in malaysia or singapore. it is in the middle somewhere. can do better, but we have bigger fish to fry as well.


I havenā€™t tried it so I donā€™t know if there are locations restrictions, but there are a number of online therapists. is one, but I donā€™t know if itā€™s available for anyone who is not an American, or an American who is abroad. Thereā€™s also Teledoc Health. Probably some in other English speaking countries.


This place is pretty good: