Dream of the Day

Man I’ve been having a lot of wacky dreams recently just now I had some weird one that involved earthquakes and they kept happening and the building was spinning round and round and round and round and I woke up and there’s a thunderstorm outside. The other night I was at a shopping centre/train station and for some reason I was looking after someones baby with me and I hadn’t been there for a long time and it had undergone massive change so I couldn’t find the correct bus stop and it was busy so no taxis would take me and this old friend from high school helped me and we ended up stealing a taxi but it still took many hours and lots of obstacles to get back

Are you referring to Theia, or some fictional creation I haven’t heard of? If Theia, yeah.

That’s funny. I dreamt there was a big earthquake the other night myself. Not like an extinction event, but one as big as 921. In the dream I was in my bed and my wife woke me up to tell me to hide under the door frame and the whole room was shaking violently. When I REALLY woke up I was convinced it was real for a few moments and almost checked the earthquake thread here.

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i was talking about niburu, or otherwise known as planet X

I often had earthquake dreams when living in taiwan because an earthquake is very possible 24/7/365. and a violent one at that.

And when there is a quake, even a small one, it sets in motion in your psyche a sort of mini PTSD.

like after 921, there were tens of thousands of quakes , mostly tiny but many felt and some were rather large aftershocks.

This created a sort of battlefield fatique and was a baseline stress raising component of your daily life on Taiwan.

Filed under “Fringe or psuedoscientific theories.” :slight_smile:

Never heard of this, but I love stuff like that. Thanks.

I really do not like 3 of us dreaming about earthquakes. :runaway:

I mean, in the old country we had more quakes, stronger and more often. And we had the 8 pointer with aftershocks that made you feel like you had the San Vitus dance every 15 seconds. Made it a challenge to set the table for lunch and dinner.

Yet I never dreamed anything that catastrophic, no quakes in my dreams.

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I did dream about my car breaking down and I needed to call a friend but I didn’t remember any numbers because they are all in the phone and the phone got lost

Then I thought oh at least I remember my wife’s number but I still needed to borrow a phone

At least not an earth shaking nightmare

Urgh I was dreaming I was trapped in my dreams; in my dream I kept waking and hoping I’d properly woken up but quickly seeing the same things and realising it was the same dream again and I’d often end up getting killed before waking up in the dream again and I eventually got help from some sort of old fairy and gradually fought back against the evil fairy-like things that kept raping and killing me by convincing them they weren’t real and finally I felt like I was properly awake but there were still some weird things going on reminiscent of the dreams like the dreams had altered reality

If you take away the literalness of the raping and murdering and the fairiness of the fairies, how much does it resemble your waking life?

Not to disturb @Icon, but I had another earthquake dream last night. Second one in a week! :scream: In my dream last night the whole room shook so badly it turned sideways and then went upside down.

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I am good. Lately I just have the recurrent dream of traveling somewhere … And realizing I forgot to leave a sitter for my pets and they probably died of hunger and thirst.

Then I wake up to angry pets hungry and thirsty.

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You know that’s just them doing the psychic dream interference thing, right? :cat: :dog: :sleeping: :brain: :smiling_imp:

I had a dream I was on a Boeing 737 and crashed a few days ago. Was freaking out flying to Turkey since the dream felt pretty real. Luckily it was an airbus.

Now today…a 737.

Putin entrusted me with money to pay for the hospitalization of Russian soldiers, victims of a horrible attack. But I used most of it to travel around with the fam. The hospitalization didn’t go so well, and I was terrified when I had to present him with the receipts. He signed off on it though, seemed happy enough. I clapped him on the back and he drove us to the airport.


Current recurrent nightmare is swimming through some tunnel/caves, trying to get out before I run out of air… Of course I wake up choking…

How do you feel about your real life boss? :thinking:

My wife? Lol

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I mean the other one. No, not Goose either. The other-other one.

(There is an other-other one, isn’t there?)

Anyway, someone or something is activating your inner Putin. You must unmask this entity… :mask:

Tempo is his own boss in most things

I’ve heard an interesting theory that long conversations reminiscing with siblings could be a trigger for vivid dreams. Funny, because I did exactly that the night before. And I read an article concerning Putin yesterday. That may be it.