Dream of the Day

I dreamt I had another son and named him Heron.


That is one crazy and detailed dream.

I had a dream recently I was on a Special Ops mission in Iraq. In the middle of the mission I suddenly remembered I’m out of shape and have never actually had military training and I didn’t even know what the mission was. So I stripped off my tactical gear and walked over to the nearest kebab stand to have lunch. Just as I was about to bite into a really awesome looking lamb kebab, some suicide bomber blew me up.


Out of you and your sibling(s), who’s the boss?

That’s pretty self-explanatory. You’re feeling unprepared and directionless for some reason, and you figure it won’t end well if you ignore the problem.

“Why would my son be a heron?” asked the Contumacious Canary. “I’ve never mated with a heron… have I?” :thinking:


I can’t say there is one.

This is a fun thread. Two dreams I have all the time with variations and changes, but basically always the same. 1) Since 921, the quake dreams have never really stopped. I still, time to time, dream of being in Taiwan and living through quakes–usually these days I’m in or on a very tall building (this combines the quake anxiety with my worsening fear of heights. No reason my fear of heights is getting worse, but it just is.). 2) I need desperately to pee and can’t. This actually happened to me once on my first short trip to Hong Kong. There was no public restroom anywhere and I was in tears with need before someone took enough pity on me to let me use the facilities. I my dreams, I have to pee and go from place to place and can’t find anywhere, so I start doing crazy things like squatting over street drains, or sneaking into shower stalls. And you’d think it would help because finally I got to go, but the need just gets stronger and stronger–until finally, mercifully, wake and race to the bathroom before I burst.
When I lived in Taiwan, and when I was an undergrad living in dorms, I used to have the teeth falling out dream all the time. When I asked–everyone in the dorm was having the same dream. I guess that’s a pretty common one.


How about your inner dictator? Everyone has one. Was yours triggered recently, maybe in an ironic way?

But when you wake up, is your bladder bursting? (If so, maybe you just need to cut back on diuretics like tea, or stop drinking at a certain time of day.)

Yes, literally I have to get up and run to the bathroom. Of course, it’s because I have to pee, but these dreams also didn’t start until after I became a mommy and trying to hold pee became a real dare-devil kind of game.

Hmmm, I don’t think so.


So what happier-than-expected reaction has surprised you recently? And what have you been neglecting for the benefit of your family?

This morning I dreamed that I had travelled to Chicago, but the city looked more like futuristic movie Metropolis mixed with Taipei Main Station, with sky lights and helicopters hovering. Mmm, COVID is really bad here, I thought to myself.

I was with Bobby and my stepmom but I had ditched my stepmom for a handsome guy I met on the plane and then I didn’t know how to find my stepmom and we had a connecting flight to San Diego but only she knew the time and somehow I had to sent Bobby back home because he was not coming along with us…

I really must have the travel bug.

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When I get stressed I sleepwalk. Last week I had a dream that there was a rat in my blanket. I could feel it moving but, try as I might, I couldn’t get it to fall out. Eventually I just threw my blanket across the room and went to sleep.

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That and some filial piety related tension. :grimacing:

Who or what is a small but persistent nuisance in your life that you feel you can’t get rid of without also getting rid of something useful?

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I like to travel with my stepmom. We make a great shopping team and she is always up to try food.

I think something I saw stirred the memories from our last trip to NY. Now that was a nightmare. But it was the fault of the spoiled young so called adults we went with.

I’ve been feeding rat’s to my new pet snake :snake: I guess the trauma of seeing them be squeezed to death has given me PTSD. It could be ghosts too though.

I keep dreaming about my coworker. Nothing naughty, just dreaming about doing things outside of work.

I think it’s because he’s a very private person and that’s made me very curious about his life so my brain clings to what little information about him I have and then my subconscious extrapolates from there.

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Is that the coworker with the abundant aroma?


:rofl: God no. I don’t want to know anything more about that smelly, smelly man.

Maybe the non-smelly coworker of your dreams is a stand-in for the smelly one… :thinking:

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