Dream of the Day

A co-manager of Fahrenheit, a restaurant (or resto-bar?) in Taipei, told me the place was shutting down soon. I suggested reopening it under the name Bradbury’s.


I missed my stop on the train, but forgot to turn around at the next stop and left the station and had to walk like 2 miles to Rongzong.

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I write my dreams down quickly (dicate to phone) when I wake up in middle of night. Sometimes a long stream of consciousness paragraph, sometimes just a sentence.

Last night said…

“Is it true that I am a vampire because they had heard it from friend”.


Is the question whether or not hearing it from a friend causes it to be true, or simply whether or not it’s true (and btw it was heard from a friend)?

My dreams are usually pretty good, it’s the waking up that’s the disappointment! :smiley:

Recently I’ve been dreaming that I acquired a car and friends/family have been trying to keep it from me. Specifically, a Nissan 300ZX Fairlady Z.

I wanted to buy one three years ago. They are now worth five times the price.

The weirdest thing is that I’m not a materialistic person at all, hence the dream resisting, i suppose.

The key may be in the name – either relationship issues (people interfere with your search for a spouse?), or a deeper coded message that only Lerner & Loewe could reveal, or an even deeper coded message that only Shaw could reveal, or even deeper and only Ovid could reveal it…

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Yes, very good, creative use of references there :slight_smile:

I don’t get the Ovid one, brain too smooth. Enlighten me, dear Overlord.

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If even Ovid can’t reveal it, maybe Apollodorus can. But I would start with the musical. :2cents:

More likely: if you’re in a relationship and satisfied, you have a lingering sense of tension with family/friends about it but feel that you made a good choice or will turn out to have made a good choice in a few years. If you’re not in a relationship, you feel resentment against family/friends for driving you away from someone in the past or for making it difficult for you to meet anyone in the first place.

stares into the distance with a thoughtful look on face

So should I buy the car or not? :smiley:

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@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Yes definitely


Like half my dreams involve needing to pee and then accidentally peeing on things only to discover they aren’t the toilet.

That and dreams about returning to the military but panicking because I’m too fat and still haven’t shaved and being worried my 1st sgt is going to find out

The military stuff sounds easy: you’re worried about your physical health and general got-it-together-ness.

The micturation? Probably also a sign that you’re worried about your physical health and got-it-together-ness, unless you wake up to discover that the dream has come true, in which case… you were right to worry! :doh:

(The other thing about the military stuff would be that there’s someone in your life who’s acting like an authority figure, and you’re afraid of displeasing the person.)

Dream from another day: lost 1 piece gold earring, woke up and not lost :blush:

I was riding my bike with a friend from school I haven’t seen for 20 years. I was really enjoying the company and the ride, then we stopped for a break at a cafe.

My friend turned to me with a big grin on his face, and said “Listen, it’s not for me.”, shook my hand, and left.

The queue for the cafe was very long and I decided not to bother. In the seating area, was another group of friends who I haven’t seen for quite some time either. As I was hungry, I started eating chips (french fries) off the floor. This later group of friends stayed with me, explained where I was and what the problem was with the place, although I never knew what the explanation was, I knew something not quite right going on - (have felt like this in reality lately too) - I was then given some time to process this information and observe the area, with later friend silently next to me, and then when I was ready I woke up.


Haha, yeah I dream about peeing all the time. And of going to public bathrooms that turn out to be completely disgusting (to an extreme). ngl, in my young days those peeing dreams caused problems in the real world ha :x

I dream about being in school, all the time. In fact, my dreams tend to maintain a history of their own. I remember things from prior dreams, while dreaming, so it’s a continuation. In my dream life I’ve completed high school four or five times now, pretending to be younger

I also dream about dead relatives, and I say hey, I thought you were dead, but there’s some medical treatment to bring them back

Conflicted about living in Taiwan and/or the current job?

That’s a great mental image: I know there’s something wrong with this particular eating off the floor situation, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. :thinking:

Sounds like you feel you’re going about something the wrong way but are so used to it that it seems normal. :2cents:

What ratio of glad to see them to mad/sad to see them do you get when this happens? Or does it depend on which relative it is?

It never feels like a big deal to see them alive, oddly enough. But I know there’s something a little odd about it

Another common dream for me is that I’m somehow in the past or some sort of alternate reality, and I’m looking for clues about some kind of big family secret, like that I’m adopted or something. I’m interacting with people but they’re not really real, because I’m not in the present.

Also, often times in my dreams, I know I’m in some sort of other reality, so I’ll find out something and try to write down what I’ve learned or send an email to myself, so that I can find it when I wake up. Sometimes I’ll even hide a note for my real self. Obviously this does not work lol

Also, tho I can’t control my dreams directly, if something doesn’t go the way I want, I can rewind a little bit and try something else… Strange.