Drug use in Taiwan 2021, an issue?

Right, yeah he is not popular at all.

You should listen to him, he is good. This video has 10 million views


Not a great flow to be honest. He probably needs to smoke more weed.

I really like him, its a mix of Japanese jazz hip styles and a lot of Taiwanese elements

Is my favorite

in fairness, it is difficult to see his face clearly when our retinas have been scorched and bleached by the local air (which is, to be sure, absolutely free of THC; there are also no homosexuals in Iran)

Even if he was popular, I don’t see how that has anything to do with people smoking weed or not.

That one’s actually a lot better.

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Exactly. Casual drug use slowly seeping into mainstream popular culture means nothing and doesnt reflect general changes in attitudes and behaviors towards drugs. Definitely doesnt mirror similar trends in Western countries from the sixties onwards.

I really like him, I like how he doesnt just try to ape a Western style.

I seriously doubt the extent of his influence.

Anyway that is totally beside the point. Few, if any, smoke weed at NTU that’s all there is to it. If you don’t believe me feel free to ask people who go/went there. At most I would assume only a couple on the brink of dropping out would and they probably study theatre or foreign languages.

Pitty i wanted to hear your take. It matters not if you care what i think. But it does matter if people go around with vastly ignorant opinions spreading misinformation. thus, i care what you think, at least if you are spending time in the country i live in.

Ps. The dru gs used at NTU are usually k…and yes, it is very common there. Sure, less common than say a shitty private university in the sticks, but students need to stay up and do shit. Legal narcotics dont always cut it. its not some kind of mystery. Weed is less common because its harder to hide, really just that simple.

Anywho whether you want to listen to me or not really makes no difference. For the purpose of this threads conversation, why not justify your opinion on drug use rather than just avoid it and make silly remarks that go nowhere? Thats the point of discussion, to learn. both sides…


Damn dude you’re so wacky and cool for drug driving

You mention opium, actually this is a perfect example of why I disagree with you. The core of the homeless issue in places like Cali, philly or whatever isn’t “warm weather” as you argue (philidelphia in that video gets a lot of snow my friend).

I would argue it’s a cultural issue. Taiwan because of the historical hangover of the opium crisis just doesn’t have a drug culture like the west. Laws are tough, borders are pretty watertight. When the west was going through the 60’s, Taiwan was still in the middle of martial law. Drugs just have never been given the chance to take hold here.

In the US drugs are culturally acceptable (cali most of all), a large minority of people want to consume drugs, the dealers cater to the market and drug habits develop. Then as a consequence the issues with drug abuse develop too (homelessness, overdoses, public soiling, violent crime, petty thefts, drug driving).

I’m of the opinion if people want to do drugs they will find a way. Laws alone won’t stop them. But really very few people in Taiwan want to use them. Thankfully you can take your kids to a public park here without worrying about sitting around used drug paraphernalia. I can leave my wallet on a table while I pick up my coffee without some methhead nabbing it. I can walk the streets without worrying about stepping on some homeless guys poop.

Things really aren’t that bad here.

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For the ones who think drugs aren’t a issue you are more than welcome to come speak with my wife. She is a social worker whose clients are high risk families with drug issues. She is well overworked and extremely underfunded.

Explant is correct, it is hidden until the parents/grandparents kick the bucket and then they turn to crime and are locked up very quickly. We had a spree of muggings last year, he was quickly apprehended. Ask any local A’ma, they will quickly point out the drug users.

Btw, it’s mostly tweakers or folks chasing the dragon, both are extremely cheap in the farmlands. Weed on the other hand is just weed and at today’s prices you don’t have to worry about a teen OD’ing after inhaling a 20 or so KGs at one sitting. It’s only for the rich.


Killer take brah

For anyone curious just pay a visit to the Songde psychiatric hospital in Songshan. Whole wards full of people committed for psychotic episodes from amphetamine abuse.


I heard in the old old days they let you visit for a fee.

It’s pretty scary. Even in the waiting room there’s people writhing on the floor convinced they’ve transmogrified into the form of a snake.

NTU is a very conformist uni. People who get in there as undergraduates are good at memorising test information, but not much else, unless at the post graduate level. A large amount of graduates from there tend to end up in the civil service, a place not known for its experimental, inquisitive mind set. NTU is hardly Oxford or Cambridge and has a pretty low world uni ranking score. I am not saying the under graduates are dumbasses just that they are of a highly conservative nature who tend to learn by rote. Some of the classes at under graduate level are not much different to senior high school classes. Post graduate is way better though where free thinking is more encouraged.
Therefore it would not surprise me if drug taking or experimentation is very low. :wink:

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To be able to cram or study for the various tests I am sure meth use is almost necessary. Otherwise how are you going to stay up for several days straight in order to study for exams?

Like most people, just study ahead of time and sleep. Or drink coffee for an all-nighter.

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The main “drug issue” I see here is that they insist on treating cannabis and even trace amounts of edible poppy seeds as if they are meth or crack. Cheap cigarettes, 24/7 cheap booze, and betelnut are apparently no problem, though!

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