Dry January and Beyond (Ongoing Accountability group)

I can’t stand Rodriguez.

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God knows what that means. Still in the stone age and haven’t gone metric yet?

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It means 410, for the elder US die hards. Dont judge, losing weight is a good thing :slight_smile:


Metric is on the horizon.

Easy as…

stick with it, counting by 10s gets easier with time.

I will not drink alcohol today


I, too, will not drink alcohol today. I feel pretty silly posting it here every day, but it does seem to help – each evening I imagine having to admit that I had a pointless beer, and don’t even feel tempted.


You are posting it for yourself. And you are possibly inspiring someone else. And you are keeping yourself accountable to your decision.

Post away! And well done @Brendon :fire:


I will not have alcohol for the next 35 days or so until I reach the 100 day mark. I’ll do this.


I feel so much better without alcohol in my life. Just incredibly different.

I’m still a moany old c@nt though, that’s not changed.


I feel it is still pretty motivating to say it out loud to other people. even if online. it creates a sense of accountability that is measurable and helps us hold to things better. Sometimes the things that seem the silliest are the most effective. Keep it up :slight_smile:


Boss move.


Had to skip breakfast today due to a tooth extraction, and weighed in at 184.4pounds, about 83kg.

Actually thought about having a beer when I get below 180 then thought that’s stoopid.


That devil on your shoulder. He’s a dick. Don’t listen to him.


I broke down the other day at a social gathering. I want to have a couple too much at those to not do it. One-for-month will not be too bad though!

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The thing for me is, and this is me coming down off the tooth extraction drugs, is that I feel just fine without it. I am 100% certain that if I have one or two beers, IPAs mind you, 7+%, I WILL feel that in the morning. And then what? Back to the “Why do I do this to myself?”

Unless they tie me to a rocket, there’s not a whole lot of new experiences for me to do while drunk. I want to be over it. I hope I am am over it.


One or two won’t give me any noticeable ill effects. Those two can very easily lead to more however. I did stave that off the other day :slight_smile: That is a major victory in my book and a solid goal. The point being I actually enjoy it in a social setting, within that kind of limit. Avoiding sitting around at home tying one on seems like a good thing to avoid though, for me


1 is good
2 is great
3 is not enough


I have no off switch. I haven’t had more than four beers in a 24 hour period in a decade because of that marvelous genetic advantage. Nope nope nope.

And hope we can not make this the how many beers can you drink and stay in-bounds thread. :ok_hand: