đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș Europe | Ukraine vs. Taiwan

You’re not going to get a beautiful girl there being poor/not rich. And even if you’re rich, most Ukrainian girls don’t even want to date someone not from Ukraine. Their mom will most likely reject the idea. The girl I dated told me they really care about their moms approval. Not a good plan.

PS: Odessa is world famous. You’re not the first person to want to go their for a wife. Not as easy as you think. Most guys I see do this come back with girls I personally don’t find all that good looking.

This discussion about Ukrainian women is really tasteless. Third world wife? Seriously? Condescending much? The fact that you’re from North America makes it ok to call every woman from a poor country a third world wife?


No need to get offended on others’ behalf. It’s objectively true. I’ll pull the “race card” here and as a slav myself allow all others here to talk about this topic however they like.




Third world has not been politically correct for over 20 years if anyone wants to know. Generally the terms are: developed countries, less developed countries, and least developed countries.

Or shit hole countries


This Kassy is very inclusive as practically every country that’s ever existed has celebrated the Lunar New Year, both the winter and Summer solstice. So maybe she means the Chinese New Year?

It was you that just called every country below the top 30 in development third world, no ? :grin:


This is a third world thread.

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They aren’t all shitholes that’s the thing.
Some third world countries are pretty damn special.

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Some are nice to visit
 if you have more money than the locals. But no one ever wants to stay and live there.


I didn’t call the women from there third world women did I :roll:

Yes, but many of them you can’t drink the water because people shit in holes.

India is pretty special but it’s literally a shit hole. They built a giant statue of Ghandi but can’t build some toilets and sewage processing plants so people don’t poop in their post holy river.

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No one wants to stay and like there lol

Are you kidding me.

I’d love to live in some third world countries I cant because of my job that’s all.

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Which countries in particular?

And if you want to live there, you’d be happy to work there, correct? Of course a job in some of those countries would have a much smaller wage and probably much tougher working conditions.

Not always. Bali is in Indonesia , has lots of foreign workers and that’s a third world country . Philippines has incredible places to live too.
South and Central America has many examples also.

I would like to live in Costa Rica. Maybe not for the rest of my life. But a few years for sure.

I don’t think Costa Rica is that bracket really.
But would be awesome to live there for a while too.

Evne in these ‘third world countries’ it’s sometimes possible to find a good gig or to work as a digital freelancer or consultant.

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I think forumosa live in a bubble. They are really good countries in that list on the top 50, in somes, you can get better salaries than Taiwan with better working condition and free private hospital, air quality and housing, so why are not you guys living in a real first world country? before talking about “shitholes” where you never lived.

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Right, I agree. Those are great vacation locales. But the other part of my question was whether you’d take a job there, keeping in mind the average wages and working conditions?

For what it’s worth, my cousin lives and works in Colombia. Her husband is Colombian too. Though she’d probably protest if someone said it’s a “third world” country.

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@Andrew0409 is Malaysia a “third world” country in your opinion?