European Union falling apart ?

Serious pressure of what exactly ?
Germany is doing better than ever . France is as French as ever .
They are not a shambles like the UK right now.
Sorry to say I mean that with the best of intentions …I’m sure it will work out in 10 or 20 years. Ouch.


Looks like buying out whole countries (using other countries’ money, lol) in exchange for support is working well. The EU can do nothing wrong. They know better and they act for the greater good.

Yes thanks EU, if you are smart you make it work for you like Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France , Scandinavian countries. Look at the GDP per head above average to see how it can work.

You know actual real numbers.

The IMF predicts growth of just 1.4% for France in 2017, one of the weakest rates in the EU.
10% Unemployment. Really?

Hey, nobody is saying that, at least not me. There are many problems in the EU, most of them I’m sure I’m not even aware of.

France is 90% in Government Debt as a % of GDP. To see how it’s not working quite so well

Yes I said France continues to be French.
Still one of the best countries to live in the whole world.
They don’t blame their self inflicted problems on the EU. It’s just part of being French. And their problems include almost a months holiday in August.
Tough life.

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The IMF is predicting growth rates in the PAST now?

Jeez who is paying those guys?
I expect Soros has a hand in this.

There are so many flaws, I don’t know where to begin ,the euro currency has failed and it’s only in place because the ECB has dropped interest rates to zero. Under normal conditions it would’ve collapsed already. It can’t compete - it’s a dead end policy. Bj , how long will Germany and France keep bailing it out. Germany loves the Euro for trade but even she wont put much more in to prop it up… or Greece…or Italy/…or most of the EU, surely?

This article made some valid points re: Greece and the Euro.

Funny …we were not allowed to even talk to other Countries!

I’m sure someone in Brussels thinks a Union of European Socialist Republic would be a great idea.

What? Of course these above average countries are above average. They were already amongst the richest countries in the world before Treaty of Lisbon. After the expansion of the union a bunch of poor countries joined, that lowered the average significantly. If the likes of NL and Scandinavia fall to the average then something is seriously wrong.

Ireland wasn’t . Ireland was the poor man of Europe before joining the EU.

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I am outing myself bring a German citizen.

So the situation in the EU is seriously dangerous.
What do you think, is my country to blame for it ?

Germany profited and still profits a lot from the EU regarding economic business.

Was is wrong to keep Greece in the Euro, gave them billions of loan, but force them to control their budget ?
Was it wrong what the chancellor did almost 3 years ago being humatarian ?

I agree the current problem (migration-flooding) is tremendously and causing a heavy right-wing political influence. So what to do, what is the solution ?

Everybody (to be honest except Germany) acts selfish.
Denmark closed its border to Germany, so all of Scandinavia has found its solution.
Spain is taking refugees, but as those refugees are not really interested to stay in Spain, well everybody assumes, that despite being registered in Spain those refugees aren’t staying long in Spain.
Same situation in Italy and in Greece, although refugees are stuck in Greece, which is the reason not many are entering the EU there. At least Greece is out of the media coverage for some time.
England/UK has the advantage of being an island.
France and its president, well … now is blackmailing Germany for much needed financial advantages in exchange for some support regarding finding a solution for the current migration-crise. In the meantime they are actively sending back refugees back to Italy or refuse entry for refugees coming g from Italy.
Switzerland is not an EU-country, but still manages to keep the numbers quite low, despite having the highest living-standards. No idea how they manage to do that though.
Austria and Mr. Kurz tops it all. He presents himself as a hardliner, but in the meantime Austria quietly put refugees in trains and buses shuttling them to the German border instead of registering them lawfully.
Germany, well … the end of the line as Denmark and thus Scandinavia now is closed. A very popular destination, because migrants now know once you set foot into Germany it is very difficult to get kicked out again as you can appeal decisions etc.
The welcome mood 3 years ago (which I never understood from the very beginning, but that’s another subject) has recently changed to anger, mostly due to recent crime related to refugees (5 women murdered).

Germany acted selfishly as well, it could have not help force Ireland and other countries to put private debt on public balance sheets, but it did.
Germany didn’t want to devalue the euro and share some of the hit.

That’s caused issues for many countries as we all know.

Also Germany should never have invited millions of migrants to come without a plan. Big mistake that pissed off a lot of other countries . Germany and Austria caused this chaos and can’t blame other countries ! You want them you should have flown them in from camps in the middle East or something .

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The reason why I think the EU will end badly is not because of immigration. That ship has sailed. My reason is purely economic. Southern Europe has not recovered from the 2008 crisis at all, they are still piling up debt and another blow will drag their banks down further, and German banks will go down along. The whole thing will become a horrible mess.

You say Italy should leave the Eurozone? That alone will finish the Euro as Italy is the 3rd largest economy in the eurozone. They didn’t even dare to kick Greece out despite the damage it’s done in 2013 because they knew how disastrous the consequence would be.

No I don’t think Italy can leave the eurozone now that it is in it. It’s financial system will collapse. It would cause a lot of damage to the EU and Euro also (although cheap Euro would be nice for some of us).
It shouldnt have joined in the first place .

Should always have been two currencies, euro strong and euro weak. Foolish to try to institute one strong currency for the majority of the union.

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Then they got the treatment that the Dominican Republic received from China and now they love the Eu ! Yay, democracy!