Huh. Unsurprising, but I hadn’t looked back at those things before. It does amuse me that most of the “you guys” that @Icon refers to are probably long gone from this forum.
Standing outside the Taibei World Trade Centre, which is just next door to the new ever-so-tall building, I couldn’t help noticing the fault running all along the length of the sidewalk. I was living near there in Xinyi District when the 921 earthquake struck, and there was a whole lot of shaking going on. I don’t feel very confident about the geology in that locality. I know what an earthquake feels like on the 12th floor of a building, never mind the 101st. Even without Osama bin Laden and Chi…
Um. I saw this little plastic wrap-like think dangling from one of the big Chinese coin ornaments on the side of the building closest to NY NY. Is it possible that they’ve decided to leave the plastic coatings on the building like many people do with chairs and door fixtures? Will it help protect the exterior of the building from corrosion and wear, and fingerprints? But then again it was night time so maybe it was just a floataway plastic bag or a worker’s hanky. Just curious.