Exit Plan(s)

I guess some people are into that. :rofl:

Can the KMT engineer a comeback? I suppose so; one would be foolish to underestimate them. But first I imagine they’d need to stop putting forward unelectable candidates, and to figure out exactly what is their relation to the CCP (“best buddies” does not seem to have much of a market nowadays, especially in nation-wide presidential elections).


I just read another post on this website saying that tech workers who found refuge in Taiwan from high COVID cases in the West, are not fleeing Taiwan as the West aims for herd immunity while opening up.

99 percent of digital nomads I know, and I know a lot living in Cyprus, are only afraid of lockdowns, not of catching the disease. Most are young and educated pretty well, or young and not so intelligent but very smart (the second got to do with low taxes in Cyprus for EU standards, a lot of the second do drop shipping or Amazon FBA for work. Usually selling products produced in China).

That’s why they are leaving now. Had Taiwan acted like Norway, Sweden, Finland or Switzerland I would have stayed. But Taiwan acts like Spain or Italy concerning covid19.

I was a pretty special visitor so far that I came with gold card and main motivation to learn Chinese, but if by November mainland is less lockdown and again open to foreigners, I’ll go there instead. Even though I prefer Taiwan life quality over China.

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Compare Taiwan with Spain or Italy ?
I don’t agree



Moreover, in Italy and Spain they experienced collapse of medical services, massive deaths, complete closures…on and off for almost two years.

Here, we have barely gone two weeks and they are already jumping ship? It’s a personal choice, yeah, but gimme a break. We won’t be long in this. Not years like other countries.


I’m comparing to the measures taken. They are as strict as in Italy Spain only lacking to China. I think either lockdown like China or not at all. So I don’t like Taiwan’s approach right now at all. I don’t think it will work (vaccination will be the answer here too). Countries like Switzerland, Norway, Sweden and Finland managed it without any lockdown, just slight restrictions. Italy and Spain mismanaged it. Same as Taiwan now IMHO. So that’s why I left already 2 weeks ago. No reason to stay in this debacle if you can leave


Ok well I jumped ship temporarily and can say first hand that the US is getting back to normal. CA will “reopen” in a couple of weeks.

It’s been a year and change since the pandemic began, not “years”.

1% of your friends seems nice.

Finland and Norway response to covid looks completely different from Sweden don’t know how you don’t know that? I would say level 3 in Taiwan is similar to Norway and Finlands response and level 0.5 is similar to Sweden in the beginning.


Can I have your visa please? Pretty desperate to get in…if only it were so simple as trading…

I’ve made the very tough decision to go back to the UK in September. I really don’t want to leave; I love Taiwan, my apartment, and the life I’ve carved for myself here, but work and money issues are weighing me down too much at the moment. I have about 6 months worth of emergency savings and I’m not holding my breath for any government assistance.

Buxiban work has dried up completely, and it’s unlikely I’ll find a new stable full-time sponsor over the next few months. I’m also not keen on going through the palarva of doing in-person demos, health checks, work permits, etc, with the current Covid dangers.

Anecdotally, all the teachers I know in my situation have reported that their buxibans have made a complete pigs ears out of online classes, so I don’t expect there to be many renewals or new students for the new semester. If parents are desperate for online classes - and I suspect most aren’t, as they don’t want their kids to spend even more hours in front of a screen - they’ll likely opt for a dedicated online company that already has a stable system and cirriculum in place.

I’m currently working out the logistics of taking my fiance - Taiwanese - back to the UK with me, and either marrying in the UK or at least have her stay with me in the UK for 6 months. I’d appreciate any advice from Forumosans in a similar predicament!


The buxibans have really messed up. The truth of the matter is that online is not the same as in person for younger learners. Bosses think that teachers should be able to produce professional quality using a cheap laptop. Why is the camera so bad? The sound is not loud enough. It is a cheap laptop made for FaceTime. That is why. Most don’t have any kind of curriculum either. Just teach what you teach in class. Emmmmm, impossible.

Oh by the way, we are cutting your hours to the minimum, and making you work twice as hard for those hours. Please say thank you because the boss is doing this big favour for you. He is losing money keeping you on.


A better boat fantasy

Al Jazeera

NatGeo (Kenyan back story mostly)

Sadly I think a fantasy might be what it is, though I hope I’m wrong.

Certainly it seems to be a bit oversold (For example they ignore the Plastiki precedent which they cannot be unaware of.) and from the Al Jazera vid it looks like skin-on-(timber)-frame rather than “entirely from recycled plastic” as claimed.

Rather thin on technical detail, which is where the devil would be, but perhaps they feel they have IP to protect.

I also personally feel the ocean-of-plastic thing, while it has some obvious negative effects, deserves less emphasis than the overfished ocean thing, which seems to get less attention, not being so visual.


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Its a reply to The Pie.

Not really owt to do with you, but if you wanted to know, you could like, follow the arrow,

That’s why they call it an arrow.

You don’t HAVE to work in a buxiban you know. It’s not the only job in Taiwan.

Acer is hiring a copywriter. 40,000nt a month. 7am-7pm. Monday through Friday. Must pass 3 interviews. :tired_face:


That’s what they always say to try to get the lowest price. Walk in. Offer $80000-90000 and negotiate a bit down to a fairer level.

Show that your writing is immaculate as a native speaker and BOOM. You’ll have it and the pay.


I’m aware of that. Thing is, teaching is my background and what I really have a knack for - it’ll be very difficult (but not impossible) to pivot to a different industry in the current climate. I’ll keep looking into other options though.

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Not only is my writing immaculate, but also I am a native speaker.
And furthermore, I can in addition, do the job for a more lower price, which is important in this world, nowadays.

(Optimists. Sheesh!)

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The only attitude you should be adopting is a can do attitude. :slight_smile:

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