EZ Way App - Customs information

I had a similar problem when I was single. Think you might get the one to shout at the right people?

Right now I am being a bit quiet to wait for my APRC to come in. Then plan to negotiate a four day workweek to actually have a work day to focus on foreigner’s rights and be a bit more organised.


I just created new account with ARC. It was approved.

Now to buy something on taobao and check if it worked

BTW, have you tried putting in an expiry date of 2099 or something?

That’s not cheating? They still demand a Chinese name and they don’t think my ID number is right.

Wildly impractical or practically impossible information is computer-speak for N/A.

The Pizza Hut employees know I’ll come get my food so my number is 0999999999 in the system.

What are they gonna do? Give someone who doesn’t have an expiry date shit for inputting a date far after they’re likely to be dead?

It’s not fraud if the comically obvious.

Same issue here. I am convinced the designer of the APP is sadistic, incompetent, or both. Since we have a new ID we can’t simply change our ID number in the APP. We have to open a new account. That requires a new user name. However, what if we want to use the same email and phone number? We’re asked if we opened that Telecom account using the ID number we enter. If course not… It’s a totally new number. Plus, getting the lighting/zoom/clarity on the photo of our card is damn near impossible. Why not allow uploaded photos/scans? Truly sadistic.

After we got this new ID number, we need to revise our data at the post office bank, tax office, insurance, etc. Just found out my credit card bank also needs updated information, since I automatically pay off the card monthly through the post office bank.

To date, ZERO benefit from the new ID. 100% pain in the ass!! Payments with my previous ID not being processed correctly, wasting hours f&$#ing around trying to get things to work. Be careful what you wish for. No idea who has this “brilliant” idea in the first place, but they are screwing up a lot of things for a lot of people. :rage:


My favourite is that there is now going to be thousands upon thousands of holdouts remaining on the old system for the next decade unwilling to change because there is every incentive to remain in the old system.


Not sure what issues other people are having but about 2 hours ago I signed up because apparently my delivery is getting sent via SF Express. No issues and I got approved in around 15 minutes using my ARC with the ‘old style’ format. Time will tell but everything seems to be working.

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Congratulations! Hope they are working the bugs out, but as of ten minutes ago, still won’t work for me.

However, you will find out that EZ WAY doesn’t support imports through the SF Express courier. Don’t be fooled by the automatic message you get after using EZ Way for SF Express shipments. You need to contact SF Express directly by email or you will start getting texts and emails from SF Express (mainland courier). If you are not proactive, they will simply ship the package back after letting it sit in China for a week or so. Please refer to the advice below:

Thanks for the tip! It was actually the company I ordered the product through that told me they were shipping via SF Express and to sign up on the app, we’ll see what happens next…

Computer speak, yes, but IDs often have human verification. That’s assuming the system doesn’t detect the inconsistent data and reject it as it did my Chinese name and my ID number. Come tot think of it, maybe that’s why it rejected it.

I assume you have the new number then. I got my last card just before the change. I was wondering if it would make any difference.

Yeah, that’s what I was started to plan to do before I thought the same. Also, it would have to be a phone registered in one’s own name if I understand how it works. Still not sure if it will work on a prepaid SIM.

That was the easy part for me. It’s been updated recently. It detected the ID when it was in focus and in the right position and took a picture automatically.

APRCs, possibly a problem detecting my Chinese name and ID number. I’ll try it with my wife’s ARC so we’ll have one functioning.

FWIW, I sent the Google Play developer email for the app a (Chinese) email noting this :slight_smile: I’ll let you know if they reply.

So I was able to complete the real name verification in the app.

Old ARC format, English name only.

How many goats did you sacrifice to make the photography of your ID work in the app?

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  1. Held it up scanned both sides, submitted

Try to update the APP through Google Play. Seems the cumulative weight of our complaining finally accomplished some change. I am sure I’m the only one to directly contact the APP designers to report the issue. I will share my experience.

  1. It just doesn’t scan correctly (4/2)

  2. I bitched at the EZWay staff. Admittedly, not my finest hour (4/2)

  3. A pretty quick reply (in English; obviously a form letter due to many of us complaining) (4/2)

  4. They claim that they fixed it. Need to update and try again (4/6)

  5. Trying again (tonight, thanks to @DesiInTaipei for posting)

  6. Response from EZWay (ten minutes later)



I always get stuck taking the picture of the backside of my ID

And if I manage to align the corners correctly I get this:

There’s your problem. It’s full of black squiggly lines.

Kidding. I’d rather just argue with the shipper instead of using Hard-way.

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Success! Thanks to @DesiInTaipei and especially @KongTaigi
Tip for anyone with an APRC: Set the date to 2099 12 / 31 Apparently, that is the expiration encrypted in the data on the back. I was planning to live longer than that, though.
Also, your name probably must be in all caps.

Now I can finally order from Taobao. What was the deal with SF Express? Will it still not work even if you’re verified?