[Feedback Request] - My First Day In Taipei, Taiwan!

You don’t need to be that loaded in my experience. My father in law has had numerous, and the family is not super wealthy(upper middle class)

From my experience in Japan: sure, no matter how long you live in Japan, you’ll always be a gaijin.

But you can either be the gaijin who’s lived ten years in Japan, still can’t speak fluent Japanese and still has a perspective of "crazy racist Japs VS me,"or you can be the guy who’s studied a bit the history of the country, knows how to pray at the temple, speaks fluent Japanese and abides by the social dynamics. That’s what I call integration.


The Last Samurai?

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Whoa…what circle of people are you living around?
Dont paint everyone with that same cheating brush.
All of the married couples I know, including my wife’s family dont cheat. They are really loyal to each other. Fiercely loyal.

You need to step out of that social circle you are in and find a better one. Not all Taiwanese are unfaithful and cheating is certainly not the norm, nor is it acceptable. I guess depending on the people around you YMMV.


Dude, the food here is so good. There are even plenty of vegan places that are walking distance.

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Nice video. Put some section titles on screen when you are speaking about a specific topic.

speak for yourself! although i’m only 3 years in. and also not working for any taiwanese which i’m sure makes a decent amount of difference.

as for the video? honestly i’m pretty much done with taiwan vlogs. there are so many, nobody is saying anything new or different. or interesting. the lucid dream guy has a good opinion when he talks about stuff but i think he left taiwan now?

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Will look forward to your contributions to this thread

so clearly sarcasm…

Coming to Taiwan and eating vegan is like coming to Taiwan and only dating girls over six feet tall


Idk, my opinion is that it’s better in many ways coming here from a western country than someone from Taiwan going to a western country. People here don’t usually hate foreigners in a malicious way, just a lot of ignorant thoughts that are ridiculous sometimes. I remember I had a really hard time in the US until I spoke English really well and got rid of my accent. Here people seems to be happy to see you just attempt at speaking Chinese and a huge plus for Taiwanese. In western countries they expect you to conform and make fun of any differences like accents. Here they at least expect you to different and don’t give you a hard time for it. It’s not paradise but i do think people here in general means well and are capable of changing their opinions on what is “Taiwanese” And to be fair unless you’re full aboriginal, how Taiwanese are you? People of different ethnic and geographic groups have been migrating here for centuries. Mine 400 years ago during Qing times, some go ever farther back but almost no one can claim they are the true “Taiwanese” .as long as you support a independent republic for the people here and contribute, I will call you my kin. I would have a significantly easier time calling someone that immigrated here Taiwanese than some people here that are ready to give everything up to be part of the PRC.

At the risk of coming across as argumentative

Sorry Rocket.

I think you are great though.

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You’re not being argumentative.
But I think you’re missing my point.
There’s nothing wrong with dating women over six feet, at all.
I’ve seen loads of King Fuck gorgeous women over six feet in Taiwan.
In fact, I can’t think of a single woman over six feet I’ve seen here who wasn’t stunningly attractive, in one way or another.

Limiting oneself to a relatively small portion of the existing demographic like that, well…

You miss so much.

Yeah, that pretty much goes without saying.


Yes sir. I’ll be sure to adjust to that, for the next one.

One thing you may notice , is that the “ foreigner “ is generally put on a pedestal by most . Curiosity maybe , but there is a real reluctance and embarrassment for some to try their English . Locals tend to just say they don’t speak , when actually they read and write and do understand a fair amount . The system here seems to be exam based and 90% in an exam would be a “ fail “ for some . It’s such a shame because “ saving face” gets in the way of learning sometimes .


Welcome to the Beautiful Island, Harry. I’ll break this response into two parts: 1) Forumosans (members of this forum), and 2) general advice on your vlogs.

  1. Most of us on this forum are oldtimers or lifetimers. We don’t like to be pointed out as foreign or treated differently. We’ve experience the good, bad, and the ugly. Your fresh faced enthusiasm seems naïve to us. We are not your target audience. Hell, YouTube wasn’t even a “thing” when many of us were fresh off the boat. I think some of these crankier of the lot actually arrived on a boat. Your new discoveries seem less interesting to us, as this been daily life for ages. It’s nothing personal. I think the fresh outlook can be intimidating or make us feel old, as we are, older and older. Some of us are married with kids, have received terminal degrees here, have our own businesses, regret the fact we have failed to accomplish more, faced ongoing racism, been rejected despite our best efforts, still feel like second and not even citizens, etc. This doesn’t reflect on your vlogs as much as our stiff-necked and crusty demeanor (hard-earned).

  2. A few pointers, as someone with a little bit to offer in regards to creating and posting vlogs: keep them under five minutes, stick to topics that can be clealy discerned from the title, add a bit of background music (optional), keep it upbeat, show more of what is going around you, use humor, avoid the obvious, edit about 50% more out, find an audience and market (or use keywords) to attract them, add graphics as you continue to develop you style (avoid Taiwanese game show graphics and sound effects, haha), don’t spam (I.e., a daily link to this forum is excessive, once every one or two weeks seems fine), highlight some Taiwanese language, slang, and common/useful phrases as you learn them, and, finally, don’t let curmudgeonly b@st@rds like myself get you down in the dumps.

Best of luck!


The crankiest of all arrived via their moms… Ok ok lets just say belly


better if you are suited to it that is. i’m sure theres lots of people who come here and just ain’t cut out for asia. i knew a couple myself. they wern’t here a week before they were talking shit about everything.

but yea i basically agree with what you are saying. if i had a mixed kid i would prefer to raise it here. i’ve seen and heard of enough bad experiences back home. including a friend being spit on by chavs.

Adopting someone’s religion in order to be accepted?

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Do you need to assimilate to be integrated?