First date etiquette in Taiwan on splitting bill

What did they order at McDonald’s? This is the real tell.

A single medium fries for all of us

That’s even pretty comical.

Well, certain parents here like to be control freaks so i can see it. I was immediately told i must shave and get a job( i work online) when i met my ex gfs parents. Not as bad as being joined to the first date but it let me know to early meetings with parents after that.

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sounds so…arrogant
it’s that kind of attitude that will turn people off

Or she might end up thinking he’s neurotic and not want to go on a second date :laughing:

You sound so indecisive. That’s a very unappealing quality. Stop trying so hard! Just wear what makes you feel comfortable (within reason of course).



Ha ha. I think men should just be simple and straightforward. The women don’t need competition in the indecisive department. That’s what I heard.


You think he was joking? I thought he was being serious… unless… jimbob is YOU! gasp :open_mouth:



I did almost what you did today, lots of leftovers and the total bill came out to around $6k NTD. Let’s hope the outcome is similar. Also paid when she was not looking but she offered to split after (of course I declined!).

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Just don’t expect her to put out just because you paid. You want to come across as a gentlemen, not a player.

So how was the chemistry? Did you dazzle her with your frugal millionaire talk?

She kept talking non stop about her best friend’s marriage issues and how it is so draining for her to be there for her friend. Most of the time was just me finishing her expensive food and listening to her talk since I didn’t want so much to go to waste. We had some physical contacts at the end but no kiss.

Taiwan, touch your wallet. :sunglasses:


If things go well, you better invite every commenter on this post to your wedding.


$6,000 NT for brunch for 2 in Taipei? And you complain about $150 NT bottles of apple cider vinegar? :joy:

Hint: you’re not getting ripped off on the apple cider vinegar.

This is straight up simp behavior.

This woman spent your first date talking about her friend’s marriage issues. Not her interests. Not her experiences. Not her beliefs and values. And not yours. To top it all off, she had the obliviousness to complain about how draining her friendship is while not realizing how draining it must be to her date (you) to have to listen to her complain.

And this is on the first date, when people are trying their hardest to make a good impression.

The “long game” here, if you choose to play it, is that you’re going to be this woman’s therapist. :kissing_heart: