FoodPanda & UberEats pay is so high, how?

Here Uber limits how much time you can spend driving
Of course when you run out of hours you can switch to Lyft lol

But what happens to your delivery, if the driver ends up dead, do you need to reorder?


I’m honestly more interested in Panda Express than Food Panda.

Where can I get some American-style Chinese food in Taipei???

The sweet and sour pork and fried rice?

I’m a more Orange Chicken kinda guy.

They got a type of orange pork here … very good

Not for the sensitive, youtube video shows the accident in which a UberEats rider lost his life. Unless the driver of the vehicle has never driven in Taiwan before I can’t see how he’s not to blame for this accident. Yes, the scooter did change lane position however that happens a 100 times every journey here, driver appears not to have braked effectively even after hitting the scooter. Note how useless the Hello Kitty helmet was also.


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Uber takes 32% commission from restaurants if they work with them exclusively and if not 35%. Restaurants also have to keep same price as for dining in. Mafia racket is not so high…


riding around all day, being tired and going fast to make more delivery’s is an accident waiting to happen. but so is just exposing yourself to the dick heads on the roads here for long periods of time.

but hey, lets put all of the blame on the companys and none of the blame on the state of the roads. how many have to die before people face up to it? 3 is not enough? the sad thing is i doubt a 1000 dead would even make any difference.

Car driver cannot have been paying attention. There was loads of time to brake.

Panda express is disgusting. There are other Chinese American restaurants that’s 100 times better than Panda express. It tasted like McNuggets honestly.

I had a choice of panda express and Whataburger as the last restaurant to eat in the states. The choice was clear. Not going to be eating Chinese food when I’m going somewhere that has plenty of it.

Taiwan government usual reaction shoot first ask questions later. Instead of admitting their roads are dangerous for scooters and pedestrians, making contractors employees will magically solve the problem.

FoodPanda and Uber rejecting call to make contractors employees. I agree they have that right based on business model

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Depends on how many hours they work I believe. What you don’t want to see happen is a bunch of drivers working for two different companies but not getting any labour or health insurance benefits. This puts the cost back on us.

Agreed the real problem is traffic management.

That’s about as much as your food cost should be.

’ Uber Eats said the Labor Standards Act barely fits its business model …’

’ Food services to ignore labor decision’

Normally companies go with the laws of the land, not the other way around!

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Law of the land is made up on the fly here.
Employee means 打卡, health and safety, insurance and all that. Their business model argues that these delivery guys can work 1 hour a day if they want. Riders should have scooter insurance anyway, and they also offer extra 3rd party coverage

This is Uber we’re talking about right? Uber thinks the law should be adapted to them.

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And FoodPanda with its 100,000 delivery personnel

They have the right, does not mean it’s legal as they need follow local laws, there so far are not global labour regulations.