Forced move to Quarantine Center ... how legal is that?

The accommodation and food would be.

I have not however tried negotiating pay during this time!


If you get paid your regular salary while in the quarantine then it somewhat lessens the intolerability of the situation. I might consider staying in Taiwan.

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Again, read, watch and listen to local news: 11 people were not included in the list for Wanli center, do they were left waitingā€¦until they were moved to Linkou.

It was not all 400. It was a most unfortunate bureaucratic error. But not a life threatening one.

If it had been more people, weā€™d be seeing heads roll and the press would be having a feast. Alas, they have meatier bones to tackle.

So the eleven went to Linkou?

Did anybody say what the actual number wasā€“the number of people who were finally moved?

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They made it sound like it was all/a majority.

Of course it is regrettable and it should not happen but s$#@ happens.

Now please remember which tasks are the CECC and which local governments.

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I did not ask this question in relation to where those people ended up, but in relation to the fact if it is legal to remove 399 human beings out of their home on 1/2 hr notice.
All that just because 1 person, living many floors below, and one probably never met, is Jewish, has covid ā€¦

And yes, the blurred part above gives my real sentiment.
I luckily have never lived through any war, but the stories of my grandparents living the horror in WW2 Amsterdam are still livid.

Watch it, I have no problems with vaccinated, I think the CDC in Taiwan did an outstanding job (even till today), but I seriously wonder if an forced eviction is not one step too far.


No need to wonder. Itā€™s an absolute horror of totalitarianism.

Theyā€™d have to carry me out in cuffs.


So now quarantine is like the holocaust.

Well done, people! :roll_eyes:



Both of the above is NOT what I said.
But people dragging out of their house, for whatever reson, is a very very serious matter ā€¦ I hope you agree on that ā€¦


why would you bring up the topic of your grandparents during ww2? are you implying forced quarantine is somehow equitable to whatever they went through?

Itā€™s the knock on the door, the 1/2hr notice, the forceful removal out of your own home, the things leaving behind not be able to take of properly, just because someone else who happens to live in the same building ā€¦


Cuffs and cummerbund?

How to spell cummerbund anyone?

You got it. Unless you were trying to spell something else, in which case itā€™s an odd fail.


For anyone whoā€™s interested, the thread @finley was talking about can be found here.

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You canā€™t complain unless they start killing people because someone had it harder in the past.

What other countries are taking healthy people to quarantine centers even after they test negative?

Iā€™m not talking about people who just arrived in the country. Iā€™m talking about residents who havenā€™t done anything apart from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Yes it is legal. Endangering others with contagious disease. Prevention.

No, it is not the same as Jewish or Muslim or gay. No one is disappeared/shot/publicly blamed.

Itā€™s two weeks, not a lifetime.

Yes, pilots and medical personnel are being ostracized. That is being stupid and not officially sanctioned by the Government.

One more time: quarantine is not a concentration camp.

You guys need to visit refugee camps and practice more compassion.

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And when it isnā€™t two weeks?

People are not publicly shamed? Why do I know that an Egyptian guy had it?

I wonder if all his neighbours know which Egyptian guy they are talking about in that building.

Itā€™s only a week for some, but itā€™s still unacceptable to take people away from their homes against their will. Quarantine them in their home. It is an outrageous human rights violation to do what they are doing now. Only a Twumoa would think otherwise.


Honest question: have any other democratic countries done this? Forcibly removed people from their homes to a quarantine center due to possible exposure from someone else in the building? Itā€™s not something Iā€™ve heard about, but I could have just missed the story.

To me itā€™s appalling that this is happening.


So the pilots. And granny Peru. And others. But they are not being shot. If they broke the law/regulations, they pay fines or get fired. Thatā€™s it.

Remember about the tea house grandpa? Chen himself said getting sick was enough.

So far, the press has not doxed the Egyptian dad. The government is not publishing his picture as enemy number one and keeps reminding folk tests are not done.

Yes, it is racist to label him as foreigner and by nationality. Yes, that is a problem of public opinion and general education. But he has not been taken into a back alley and shot.

You guys should be complaining more about the treatment of SEA laborers locked up in factories. Or better yet, join the online petitions, give some cash to the help organizations, do something more positive than whine mAh freedom.

Think: how can you help? You can educate your students if you are a teacher. You can try to get along better with your neighbors as you might be the next Furriner father. Or you can kick and scream and cheat the system because you feel persecuted. Your choice. The results may vary.

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