Foreigners Who Don't Acknowledge Other Foreigners on the Street


You’re responding to a post that was made in August 2009 and the user who made it hasn’t been active since December 2010. You will not receive a response from @Ashleigh regardless of how helpful your response might be.


Since when has that stopped anyone around here. :rofl:



I know…

So… whereabouts in the States are ya from?

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Please let it be Toledo

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It’s weird to say that a foreigner has a friendly face, unless we’re all from the same country :joy: for me everybody’s literally a foreigner, I literally can’t just randomely say hi to everybody ( they can also be serial killers who knows :thinking:)

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Whenever I see a long lost post that gets dug up, I always wonder what ever happened to that poster. Long back home with 3 kids, still in Taiwan but doesn’t post, back on here with a new handle, with the great spirit etc. I know, kinda strange.
Same with the prolific posters in the past, 30 to 40 posts a day and then one day they vanish

That’s what age does to me, this site is like a time capsule of sorts


My personal favourites are the forumosans that roll up to post a specific query, then receive a pile of replies, and never post again.



Especially when it was a juicy story and then they left us hanging


OK in those cases I do think we’re being played. :rofl:



Reminds me of one of my favorite Forumosa “Penthouse Stories”.

I’ll grave dig.


I really came here too late for the good stuff

2 floor apartment?


I always remember the guy who was going to move here, and was going to fake that he was in tech.

he said

“I do NOT want to be known as an English teacher.”

I can’t remember what country he was from, Im sure…

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a Penthouse story, but without a threesome ending


moons ago when China Post was still a thing, i was reading such a thing at a cafe and this young western kid (much younger than me at the time) said “oh you read english” . I just gave him a “dont fuck with me” look and he scampered off.

his “problem” was that he was NOT a cute girl. I know Im bad. Im reformed. today I would say Hey whassup?

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There are some merits to being nice to everyone, as you figured out.


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Could you walk me through your thinking processes as you wrote that post?

What compelled you to write it?


There are also demerits.

I think women have figured it out.

They have this kindness tap that they can turn on and off, and carry the flow.

Give them 5 cents in Mosburger. Small Kindness.

Give them 1million US in The Seychelles. Large Kindness.

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Or a scam. :thinking:


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Who deleted that post? I was just getting to the good stuff!

All I needed today, for entertainment, was to be derided by a holier than thou digit pointer. Dang!