Formosa Fitness (closed) :facebook:

He might just be freaked out because Taiwan just legalized gay marriage and he believes that his gym will now be overrun by recently married gay couples who are looking to have sex with kids.

One the other hand, sometimes the more someone is against something, the more likely they might want to be swinging the other way. Reaction formation is not a very uncommon occurrence.


Wife tried this place for a time…she said it had a weird vibe and she was never comfortable but couldn’t really say why. Beginning to understand now.

I have been crystal clear from day one that Formosa Fitness would be radically different from other gyms here and the shenanigans that go on there would 100% not happen here.

As a business owner I often know more and have to deal with things the general public may not be aware of. As has already been mentioned, much of the mainstream fitness industry was and still to some extent is aimed primarily at homosexuals. Their marketing attests to this. This combined with people’s experiences has long colored normal people’s perceptions of gyms here. Most Taiwanese think gyms are nothing more than gay bars because of what often goes on there.

A simple Google search in Chinese for homosexuality plus the name of the largest gym chain in Taiwan will yield nearly 1 million hits in Taiwan alone. There are 10s of thousands of articles, blog posts, and forum threads describing what has been happening lately. i will share some of those stories in a separate post. Many of them involve witnessing sex in the men’s room or being harassed. Please note: these are mainstream gyms, not explicitly gay gyms where this stuff is occurring.

The reason I didn’t call out hetero sex is because that almost never happens because males and females have separate bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. i would have thought this to be obvious.

Needless to say, a ton of hetero people both male and female are being harassed, flashed, etc. and that should not be happening. No one is speaking up for them, no one is pointing out this problem, and if people don’t want to be subject to this stuff, they currently have no where to go. I am trying to change that perception by offering a place free of harassment and sex in the bathroom stalls that many mainstream gyms turn a blind eye to in order to stay in business.

We are a family run business and my kids are in and out of here all the time including my 4 year old. Just like TV and movies have rating systems, there are certain things i do not want my child exposed to and as a parent and business owner that is my call whether people like it or not.

Last year I was pushing him home in his stroller when we found ourselves surrounded by the Taipei gay pride parade. We had no way to avoid it on the way home. What i saw that day sickened me. Look, I don’t care what people do in their bedrooms, I really don’t. But nearly naked men dressed in dog masks dancing/doing simulated sex in the middle of the street and on the sidewalk is not something my 4 year old should be subjected to.

Society has changed. Before, if you didn’t like a movie it was “well don’t watch it” but now people are in your face demanding you approve of everything they do or you’re a bigot. It’s about basic decency.

If people want to go to gyms where flashing people, harassing them, and people having sex in bathrooms stalls is the kind of behavior that will be ignored because calling this stuff out is politically incorrect then by all means, go to another gym and stay far away from mine.

If you want to be free from that kind of atmosphere then by all means come join us because I will never give in on this and I will never be broken. I don’t care if my reputation is destroyed, my family and our gym members will 100% be protected from that kind of nonsense.


I have worked out at 3 Fitness Factory gyms in Taiwan over 4 years and I have never seen anything you wrote about happen in the change rooms at all.

Also, I have never seen a kid in the gym either. So I don’t know why you keep mentioning this family friendly shit because I only see adults in the gyms.

I honestly can’t even tell who is gay in the gyms I have been too. Literally not a single person has ever talked to me at any of the gyms I go to (unless they work there) let alone harass or flash me.

I have never felt any “gay vibe” at the gym either. The amount of shit you are posting is laughable to be honest.

It sounds like the owner of Formosa Fitness hates gay people.


The problem is you discriminated against a specific group of people.

You should have said you strongly enforce following for everybody

  • no indecent acts (flashing, sex, etc.)
  • no sexual harassment
  • no bullying

That would be reasonable and actually expected. No drama.
It does not matter what group of people in your opinion would be breaking those rules the most.


I understand your point of view and admire you for coming forward to express it, especially when it comes in contrary to the views we are used to see around.
Perhaps your selection of words were not the best ones, and you may have sounded harsher that you meant to be, or even aiming at a different target.
Just be aware that any opinion expressed online will be reduced to few points and usually not in a way that mean the same as the author intended.


Good point.
Condemn the actions, not a group you perceive as being those committing such actions.

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This is what happened to someone we know at another gym. In short, he was sexually assualted in the shower while washing his hair:

Finish lifting my max 250lbs dumbbell chest press with all the trainers watching, so it was kind of a show. I then hit the showers and was one of the last three people in the gym. Got some cutsie looks for a lanky Taiwanese guy but I’m from San Francisco—I’ve partied at gay bars dozens of time with friends from all walks and that shit doesn’t bother me in the slightest. But apparently he misinterpreted my reaction as an invitation. When I went to the showers part of the changing area, I closed the curtain all the way and then started washing my hair and face with shampoo. The curtain didn’t even make noise. Dude opened it very quietly and scared the shit outa me when he stepped in and put his hand on my shoulder and was quick enough to get a good pelvis push on my right leg. With soap in my hair and on my face with one eye opened, I pushed the dude and he fell to the floor. I said, “What the fuck you doing dude!” As I raised my fists, he apologized and I let him get up and leave the area, and told never touch me again. I reported it to the staff, a trainer I just lifted with, and he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and said “要怎麼樣?” The dude came out, he apologized and that was that. Even saw the dude in the gym after that. He was cool, didn’t stare at me or nothing. But that kind of behavior is fucked up.

Please note than in a comment, someone told this guy above that unless there was an epidemic of this stuff going on that we have no right tocomplain.

At this link below, a gym goer in a chain down south was approached 3x when he told people not to and the last time he punched the guy in the mouth. Note he says many of his friends have experienced the same.

This guy in a review wants to let people know that this branch is mainly a male meat market.

This guy sees two men going into the bathroom stall for sex and the gym does nothing

Another one, same thing and the gym does nothing.

This review mentions the numbers of gay members for a reason.

What reason did the gentleman above mention that? Because as this other man points out, the gym bathroom is basically a gay night club.

Another bathroom stall sex incident reported and the gym does nothing.

Again, a Google search using Chinese terms for the names of big gym chains and homosexuality will bring up more search results than you can read.

Hi @Formosa_Fitness! Just wondering if you guys allow black people at your gym? I’ve had a horrible experience where some black guy was harassing me in the change room at my local gym in Taipei. A lot of Taiwanese agree that black people in gyms make people feel uncomfortable (a simple google search will tell you this). I know that you guys are not a homosexual friendly gym (which is perfect for a bigot like me) but, I’m a little nervous I’ll run into people of color at your gym… do you think you can make another post telling POC to find another gym. Or maybe make a sign saying ‘no blacks no homosexuals’. I don’t want my family to have to be put through the atmosphere of being around those types of people.

Also, what kind of squat racks do you have for children? My youngest child (2) and I were kicked out of the ‘world gym’. Apparently children are not allowed at that racist, bigoted shithole.


I predict Formosa Fitness is going to have a challenging 2019 from this point on.


Oh, the horror! Will the poor child ever recover?


I suppose the next logical step is to ban heterosexual males as over twice as many females in gyms report being sexually harassed:

This was just in the news a couple days ago:


Society has changed
Society has changed
Society has changed

Society has changed my dude. I understand that your angry about the world changing around you, but your postings are coming across as schizophrenic. We live in a society and you run a business in that society. You need to man up and deal with the world changing around you (especially if your trying to run a business). If you don’t like the way the world is, go live in the forest somewhere and build a log cabin, or at the very least GTFO of Taipei. It’s not healthy to feel that kind of stress/hatred in your heart my dude and no amount of kettlebell swings will change that. :heart:

Life is too short to carry around those bad feels in your heart.

7 posts were split to a new topic: Tetsuo: maybe you could shed some light on why you decided to post a literal white supremacist meme

A few things:

  • As some people stated, the problem is that you discriminated against a certain collective. You could have condemned the acts (harassment, sex, flashing, bullying) and it would have come out as perfectly reasonable and non-discriminatory. If you think of it, gay people also have the right to go to the gym without being harassed, same as heterosexual people.
  • Regarding “the horror” of “being surrounded” by a gay parade… first of all, that wasn’t the zombie run. I’m pretty sure you could have strolled around if you didn’t want to see it. Secondly, I’m pretty sure you’ve never attended Carnaval in Brazil or the Canary Islands, because in their parades, people of both genders have less clothes on than the chaps you showed in your post. Celebrating parades are just that, celebrations, where people are happy and want to share that festive mood. If you don’t want to, just don’t go there, it’s just once a year, ffs.
  • Basic decency is not exposing your junk in public or not harassing someone who hasn’t asked for it. Everyone will understand if you forbid those things in your business. But saying that just because someone is gay he doesn’t have basic decency is not fair. Heteros can also harass, bully, and flash themselves, and you wouldn’t think of forbidding heterosexual people access.
  • Last but not least, you should be aware that gayness is not a disease, and it is not contagious. Having well-behaved people, no matter what their sexual preferences are, will not devolve into a locker room orgy. Gay people have as much self-control as heterosexual people, ranging from total self-control to none at all. If this seems too risky for you, you could ban all people in general. I’m sure if the gym is empty, you won’t have any disgusting attitude to put up with.

Assuming you get any more gay members, which seems unlikely, how are you going to find if they are gay?

So… after all that, can someone tell me if openly gay men (or those who identify as gay men, to cover all bases) are allowed to sign up at Formosa Fitness?

The dog masks and simulated sex will be a dead giveaway. :sunglasses:


Is it just me, or is this thread being modded a little too aggressively? I think it’s good to see everybody’s views out on the table.

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I agree with that.
Perhaps people can tone down a bit, but different points of view should always be welcomed. Especially in a open-minded community. :wink:

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