Forumosa vs. Taiwaneasy, Forumosa then vs. now

I care more about possible triggers.

I’m lost!:face_with_monocle:

I apologise. This appears to be a misunderstanding.

I used the word Test in place of a pronoun in my original post. I often do this or incorrectly use a plural pronoun.

Your grammar is streets ahead of mine @BiggusDickus, except when you use the word “myriad” to mean a countless number of things :thinking:
I jest Sir…don’t look through a myriad of posts to find a reference …presuming you have posted 10,000 times … i am missing my banter this week …perhaps we have slightly strayed of the Topic ? I only use elipses to annoy jimmi P by the way

I was referring to the other f-bomb. :wink:

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Now I’m lost.

EDIT: I’m getting it. Were you looking for a grammar nazi post from me?

I now remembered more.

More than half of my flags may be off-topic flags in a thread to help the mod. But I think TG just removed all of my flags.

A tiny portion is offtopic flags to @mad_masala’s low quality posts.

Why are you flagging posts with the word fuck?

Please stop flagging so many posts. If the mods think it’s unnecessary, then it’s definitely unnecessary.

don’t you remember why fuck is :banana: there?

Technically we should flag your post now. But we won’t. :wink:

why? Though, we need to clarify what quantity is many.


  1. From your own description it seems you flag a lot. If moderators are deleting your flags it obviously means they’re excessive and unnecessary. Perhaps flag less? Just try it. I think Forumosa will survive.

  2. You just dropped the f-bomb unedited while explaining how you flag f-bomb posts.

my posts with many recent posts of others could be flagged for offtopic, but i think not for fuck. It is a local private rule of the mod.

maybe I’m not flagging as you imagine.

I’d also add people get annoyed if they see their posts flagged unless it’s truly warranted. Personally I’d let mods sort out stuff like off-topic posts and slipped swears instead of antagonizing posters by taking matters into your own hand and trying to hide their contributions. It’s up to you, of course. But that’s my perspective on the matter.

tando is only flagging posts for f bombs where the mod has for their own perverse puritanical reasons indicated they want a clean forum. We can drop f bombs till the cows come home in other forums.

Sad… flagging should only be done when there are spam links, child porn or the like.

It shouldn’t be used for language or personal attacks. Grow some balls. There should be an ignore function for that.

cows bombs may be more like :poop:

Sometimes personal attacks get pretty personal. Like an entire thread or a long long post dedicated to shit talking you. They’re pretty unnecessary

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I edited my post after you responded. A simple ignore function would solve that problem easily without any need for mod intervention.

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