Frank Hsieh's chances in 2008

And yet, it seems there are more DPP/TI supporters than KMT/eventual reunification supporters among the expats living the taiwan. At least judging from this very own forum.[/quote]

It is because foreigners are usually programmed to support the underdog. They see the DPP as being the democratic party that fought for human rights in martial law times and equate the KMT with reunification, authoritarianism, and pro-China sentiment.

I think most English teachers don’t know the degree of corruption, authoritarianism and xenophobia within many factions of the DPP. While I don’t agree with the pro-China line within some factions of the KMT, it was the KMT under LTH that brought democratization to Taiwan, and most pan-blue officials treated me fairly, although I disagreed with them openly on many issues. They were patient with me, and, for the most part, were very respectful and cultivated people. The DPP, like Brian Kennedy mentioned, came across like a bunch of bumpkins with no loyalty except to their own kind. If most foreigners worked with DPP people on a routine basis and realized how deep and virulent their prejudices are, they wouldn’t support them as ardently. The problem is that too many foreigners are trusting English teachers. Their anti-Bush and anti-KMT beliefs are fueled by emotion.

KMT don’t suck up to their own. Of couse!! :noway: Which political parties don’t give their own some kind of bias special attention? They are really all the same because they are politicians. :astonished:

Of course, if you say DDP are run by inexperience retards, I would agreed with you on that. Anyhow, Taiwan is still a Han Chinese culture deep down in many levels even if they are trying to tell others how Taiwanese they are. :frowning:

BTW, don’t bull sh*t us on how LTH is for KMT. He is as Taiwanese as they come. If KMT want Taiwan to be a democratic country, we would have it long ago. You are rewriting history on that one!! :astonished:

PS. You have a bone to pick with the DPP because they give more bias special attention to their voters than foreigners. Problem is foreigners don’t vote. If they do, they’ll be kissing your arses. Anyhow, what is fair? People in Taiwan wouldn’t hired their own teaching English even if they are US borned with equal level of skills. People are prejudice everywhere because of their culture upbringing and seeing through those lens. Don’t think that is a Taiwan problem. :unamused:

PS. You have a bone to pick with the DPP because they hired some Japanese dude instead of you! What is fair? People in Taiwan wouldn’t hired their own teaching English even if they are US borned with equal level of skills. People are prejudice everywhere because of their culture. Don’t think that is a Taiwan problem. [/quote]

You obviously haven’t read my thread in its entirety. If you want to step up to the plate with me, I expect a higher level of reading comprehension. I never said he was Japanese (he is Taiwanese), and I never stated anywhere that I wanted the job. That would be impossible since I am a foreigner, I don’t speak Chinese, and I don’t have the necessary skills for the position.

I have mentioned many times that some DPP appointments were excellent picks. However, I have stated many times that many “Tainan lawyer crowd” or “Presidential young advisors” appointments were piss-poor. Many of these people, in my opinion, are terrible administrators without the proper experience. Furthermore, some of these people truly despise foreigners. In my case, they asked me to do illegal things such as working at lunch time and treated me like a dog. The KMT people and long-term DPP merit appointments actively sought my help, cuz I am good at what I do.

I am aware every political party in power appoints people to key administrative positions. However, usually they choose capable people with proper backgrounds and job experience, not Japanese interpreters who have received all of their jobs through political connections. I’ve dealt with Labor and Likud people in Israel, Democratic Party people in the US (yes, I was once a liberal), and Conservative and Labor Party people in the Uk. In my opinion, the DPP people are the worst administrators I’ve ever encountered, and 80 percent are openly hostile to non-Hoklo people. Highly ironic since they expect the foreign community to give a damn.


Yeah, I read too quick on the other discussion. I did re-edit on my post as you can see. :wink:

Anyhow, I agreed with you that DPP have serious problem on picking their own rather picking the best choice. I would like to see them hired the best possible people even if it’s at the cost of Taiwanese’s job. This is a lot healthier for Taiwanese economy on the long term. :smiley:

[quote=“Chewycorns”]I am aware every political party in power appoints people to key administrative positions. However, usually they choose capable people with proper backgrounds and job experience, not Japanese interpreters who have received all of their jobs through political connections. I’ve dealt with Labor and Likud people in Israel, Democratic Party people in the US (yes, I was once a liberal), and Conservative and Labor Party people in the Uk. In my opinion, the DPP people are the worst administrators I’ve ever encountered, and 80 percent are openly hostile to non-Hoklo people. Highly ironic since they expect the foreign community to give a damn.


I agreed with you on this part. I met Taiwanese that are very Hoklo and closed mind people as well! They think Taiwanese are just for Hoklo group only. :s

Anyhow, deep down inside, I want a free Taiwan for all groups that are living here. I would say even foreigners because they have different good ideas to bring to Taiwan that will be helpful for us in the long run. :wink:

I’m very pro-western cultures as you can see because they are many good that’s in it. For some reason, I only see what’s wrong in the eastern cultures. People in it seems to think they can cheat to get ahead. It’s a very shameful culture. :s

The problem with DPP is many of them lack a Greater Taiwan concept. They are very short sighted on their goals. They only see themselves as some kind of southerners, which is very narrow minded in my opinion. :unamused:

I noticed a lot of foreigners married Taiwanese and want Taiwan to improve for the better future. I’m very open to idea of foreigners become Taiwanese citizens through the same process that US had as well. I support this because many of foreigners are from a democractic nation, which understand that democratic political process a lot better than most people that are living in Taiwan.

The other thing I want to point out is Taiwan isn’t like US, where any citizens can sue big companies or big cities and won damage in a fair way. Another word, judiciary system is very weak in Taiwan. This is why people, who bribed officials continue to get away with it. Taiwan’s political system needs to be reform, and I prefer that of US system with proper check and balances for every departments out there.

Hsieh? No hsieh hsieh. No charisma, no oratoration skills, no star power.

No chance in 2008. Ma has it wrapped up. The DPP won’t be back in power for a long, long time. Get ready for another 50 years of KMT rule, with Ma’s daughter taking over after he leaves the post. A new royalty is born.

Hmm, that would be interesting if CSB sent his children into politics. A failed NYU dentist or a Berkley pothead running the island…

He just resigned:

Good riddance.

However, with Yu’s people still in many key positions, I’m not sure if the DPP’s treatment of foreigners will improve. After all, Yu’s protege in Taiwan’s international development agency had no job experience other than political appointments, is xenophobic, and didn’t think it was unprofessional to have opened bottles of Corona and tequila in his office.

As long as merit appointments continue to take a backseat to crony appointments, and as long as human rights of foreigners with much better qualifications than these clowns get violated, I think people will see these peckers for what they are: racist Hoklo chauvinist pigs with no sense of loyalty except to their own kind. Son of Taiwan? I hope the world knows how these bastards treat even white-collar foreigners with good backgrounds.

You have Taiwan’s international development programs being planned by a local fruit company owner and by mediocre University of Ohio and Eastern Kentucky University graduates with minimal international experience. :smiling_imp: These bastards have no honor. I hope a commission really looks into Hsieh’s role in the MRT scandal now. I smell a cover up.

[quote]This problem is just one of the many woes Taiwan faces that are the result of the migration of its businesses to China. Please do not be misled by theories that seek to turn the truth on its head. The answer doesn’t lie in direct links. The only way to solve these problems is to increase investment and manufacturing in Taiwan, improve our industries and increase our international competitiveness. … 2003289452[/quote]

There is more than meets the eye

The government has no clue about how to boost the international competitiveness of Taiwan. The first step is to provide a friendly atmosphere for foreigners. The second is to cut down on corruption and follow the rule of law. The DPP have failed on both accounts. I have seen how Yu’s people have treated foreigners and it is bloody awful. To improve business environments, you need people who are color blind and who are good administrators. How can people who are very racist, who appoint cronies with little or no experience, and who made me do illegal things at work be expected to strengthen Taiwan’s image. I wouldn’t trust these DPP bastards to run a booth at a county fair. And this is from the vanguard ministry.

And were the KMT any better?

I believe the “Taiwan Miracle” speaks for itself when it comes to KMT ability to lead the island to prosperity.

Amen to that.

I may be mistaken, and I certainly don’t know the numbers, but I’d wager that the KMT’s “Taiwan Miracle” owed a lot more to American aid than to the KMT’s administrative prowess.

That’s right… amen to the brave Americans in fighting for freedom in our past history and even died with many of GIs on those sacred principles (US Constitution). Without the Americans, we (Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan in Asia) would not have the prosperity we enjoyed today. :wink:

And I believe the problems in Taiwan’s economy since the DPP came to power are largely a result of global economic trends and forces rather than any specific policies of the DPP.

The Taiwan Miracle happened in spite of KMT mismanagement and bad policy not because of it.

It would of happened regardless who was in power.

Taiwan’s economic development was a result of government policy, the populations’ hard work, AND INTERNATIONAL AID. Therefore, the way that the DPP has treated foreigners is especially shameful, particularly by the DPP appararatchiks in Taiwan’s international development agency. The DPP’s lack of loyalty to anyone who is non-Hoklo, their racism, and their hopeless administration skills are doing nothing to benefit Taiwan’s economy.

Considering how Taiwan benefitted from overseas assistance, I find it very interesting that the agency makes foreigners work illegally at lunch and completely violates their human rights. The DPP’S version of the Taiwan Experience is one where foreigners are treated like animals.