Half of Taiwan's cram school teachers may lose their jobs | Taiwan News |

Thanks for that, Tando. Do you have a link to the MOE announcement?

Make sure you run with your mask on though


What I saw is today’s announcement in Chinese on the Chinese site of Ministry of Education Republic of China.

Yeah sure, that’s what I mean. I’d like a link to it so I can bring it up with my boss. I know that, whatever the rules are, she’s gonna try and bend them. And if I have to be teaching students in a small classroom with poor ventilation before I’ve had my first vaccine, I’d at least like to hold her to whatever limited regulations are actually in place.

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To be fair, that is the second news article that i have shared from apparently reputable news sources this week. Both have been corrected/turned out to be wrong.

Why don’t they check before they publish? Crazy!

Haha! Think I know the one you mean!

The reporter has his own thread!

He’s a shocker!

From CNA:

  • Staff that is not vaccinated or it has been less than 14 days after getting a jab need a negative rapid test or PCR test within 3 days of opening. Also needs to be tested again every 3-7 days.

The MoE also emphasizes that cram schools that have used online learning are recommended to continue doing so.

EDIT: Changed last part to clarify that the continuation of online cram school classes is only a recommendation.


Oh now that is an interesting directive. I do not think the very buxibans who were adept/agile enough to convert to online teaching are about to have their students poached by schools that had no online structure at all and now are getting rewarded by going back-to-normal first.

This sounds like a nice thing to say but if there is no teeth behind it I HIGHLY doubt it will be adhered to.


Yeah, but I also wonder how things will go these next few days as everyone scrambles to get a bunch of rapid tests or PCR tests.

Can you even get a paid PCR test? Don’t you have to be leaving Taiwan?

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That is a recommendation.

For cram schools that have implemented online teaching, it is recommended that online teaching is still adopted as the principle.


Yup this! only a recommendation.
Blanked out and forgot to add that it’s only a recommendation. Will edit my previous post

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I’m starting to suspect some Taiwan News articles deliberately include mistakes because the writers know their accuracy will be called into question on forumosa and thereby generate extra clicks.


I think most schools are letting the parents decide. I’m sure they will go with the daycare option. Most want their kids out of their home.

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If cram schools do open, who would pay for their covid tests? Aren’t they still quite expensive, especially for foreigners? I remember when I got mine about a month ago the price for a foreigner was around 6000 I think.

Most people will probably go for rapid test instead of PCR. I think you still can’t get a self-paid test unless you are leaving Taiwan (in which cases a few hospitals have been shown to discriminatory pricing for foreigners).

For the ‘free’ testing sites not sure what criteria all fit into that outside of being possibly in close contact with a confirmed case. Some others can chime in on that.

As for the rapid tests kits, a pack costs ~$1,700 and contains 5 tests according to this article. As for availability…I have no idea.

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That’s the million dollar question. :wolf:

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I bought a rapid test kit at 7-11 for $350 NTD a few weeks ago. They are still selling them, other places too.

I’ve also seen the 5 test combo box for sale but didn’t check the price.


For those of us wondering what the CECC considers “vaccinated” with regards to teaching staff returning to cram schools or other schools, apparently it’s 14 days after the first shot. Assuming this article is correct and that the CECC’s protocols are the same for all industries. https://focustaiwan.tw/society/202107230026


I was under impression that the 14 days after first vaccination was merely a suggestion not a definitive mandate. Some schools are planning to go back next week without anyone being vaccinated. Others have said online until September. What a clusterfuck!

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