Half of Taiwan's cram school teachers may lose their jobs | Taiwan News |

So you can have anyone eligible register your card and you’re golden.

Fight the power!

One person one card, iiuc

Some details are here

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But there are countless people that never use EasyCards that could do it for you.

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That’s not the point. It’s “separate but equal”, Taiwan style. You work, you pay taxes, you pay into labor insurance, and then you’re excluded from free bus rides or labor insurance payouts, not because you didn’t contribute but because you hold the wrong passport. Equal under the law? Not in Taiwan. That is no different than telling black people to sit in the back of the bus or expecting them to stand for white people. And even then, there were not separate fares for different races in the US. And using a local’s easy card is fraud lawsuit waiting to happen.

The US is rife with discrimination, but they still gave all residents and citizens COVID relief, in the same amount (based off income), regardless of whether you’re a citizen or resident, married to a US citizen or on any other visa. It wasn’t hard to do because enough politicians know that immigrants get the job done and it would be an easy discrimination lawsuit if they didn’t pretend help everyone. Taiwanese politicians use immigrants, who often contribute MORE in taxes due to both (sometimes) higher wages and (always) less opportunities to deduct things from their taxes, as some sort of “unworthy” class of moochers who don’t deserve anything but to be on the receiving end of finger pointing. This comes right down into the broader community— I had a “friend” telling me about how “only foreigners who have no right to be here could be the reason for a COVID outbreak”, days after the Taiwanese pilot was the man who obviously was going to causing an outbreak, about a week before we went into lockdown. Did not hear a word I was saying or even acknowledge the appearance of my face because she “knows things about foreigners”. So there’s no problem with intentionally excluding foreigners from COVID relief or free bus fare, because we’ve already been painted in a negative light. What’s next? We’re not allowed into the ER? We don’t deserve medical treatment if we get a bad case of COVID? No ambulance ride if you’re run over by a truck. We have to use a separate entrance to get onto the MRT? And then we can only go in one carriage? It’s not OK to discriminate on any level because it allows the creep and justification of discrimination on EVERY level


Anything to save a buck, right? I don’t think they realize that no one’s willing to put up with them for less than $600 an hour.

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So in Taipei or New Taipei any test is fine? Do you have a link to the official requirements?

Ouch! :laughing:


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In cooperation with the central government, Beijing is drawing up guidelines for the opening of Taipei City. It will be announced as soon as possible. As for the vaccination part, more than 12,000 teachers in Beijing’s cram schools have been registered with the Ministry of Education. As long as the central government allocates vaccines, they can start fighting immediately. July 24

Lin Youchang pointed out that Keelung City Government cooperated with the municipal hospital. Today, on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Gymnasium, a free quick screening was arranged for the teaching staff of the cram school. First, we can help everyone to get a negative certificate. From tomorrow to the 30th, a total of 5 days will be vaccinated. Assist the industry in preparing for the resumption of classes, and provide parents and students with a safe and safe learning environment.
July 25

Hou Youyi held a press conference on epidemic prevention in the afternoon. He said that from July 27th, 2765 cram schools in New Taipei City will be able to resume classes, and the opening condition is that the vaccine has been administered for 14 days; if the vaccine is not administered, it needs to be screened within 3 days or PCR negative Proof, and regular quick screening every 3 to 7 days and notice obvious points.
The faculty and staff of the registered cram school carried out the beating from the 27th to the 29th, and the number was about 9,000.
July 25

Google translate of some relevant Chinese news articles

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Why is it pcr the first time and rapid test after that?

Surely if the rapid tests are fine for afterwards, they should be fine for the first time


Have you ever tried DeepL?


I admire your optimism.

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it’s just typical work politics…always something, “one kid left because of you x months ago, so we lost ALL OUR INCOME” type of crap. lol.


I’m getting vaccinated today as a buxiban teacher. Classes open up next month.


Did any of you cram school teachers take the chance to evaluate your career / source of income choices during this time ?

Any of you vote with your feet out of Taiwan?


Did your employer notify you or did you receive the text to make an appointment? Just curious about what to expect/how the process works.

There must be an abundance of English teachers still in Taiwan. Got an offer for $600/hour. Another school offered me a package where about 60% of the pay is bonus. They determine if you are worthy of the bonus. So the $500/hour they are offering might actually only be $200/hour. So fortunate I am not that needy.


They are just fishing to find a desperate foreigner. Just entertain them and move on.


I have my own buxiban we were quick to sign up. They notified us by email.

Seems also possible that some parents aren’t in a hurry to immediately sign up and put money down to put their unvaccinated children in harm’s way (and also turn them into carriers that bring the virus home). This connected with the amount of teachers still in Taiwan, as well as bosses trying to lowball and pocket the profit, could help to explain the current situation.

Good to hear that you aren’t that needy. I hope enrolments increase and supply of teachers stays low such that you guys come out of this lean period looking at average salaries that are higher than they were before.


I’ve noticed that native Taiwanese teachers are commanding a higher salary. It seems that the lack of foreign teachers has forced owners to turn to non-native speakers. I’m not against it because they have been getting shafted as long as I can remember.