Hard to find things in common with Taiwanese girls

Wasn’t the hiking the second date, for demonstrating leadership? Which I guess is along the lines of shouting “GET UP, MAGGOTS!!!” in your best drill-sergeant voice, to the poor woman who’s struggling up the trail behind you. Y’know, leadership.

I half-remember a John Irving quote about how any half-decent writer can invent characters weirder than people you encounter in real life. Thank you, forumosa, for proving that quote wrong, again and again.


If there’s no spark at the first date, drop and find another. I only go on a second date if the first date was outstanding.

Taiwanese girls often live with their parents until they marry (and often YOU are the one then moving in…dont do it).
Taiwanese girls all like shopping and eating and seeing movies. MOST are NOT very athletic. IF you want athletic ones meet them at the beach or on hikes. Chances are good that where you meet them is their Natural Habitat.

And honestly no spark on first date…it does NOT get better usually.’

The first date is when they are at their BEST behavior… tis all downhill from there…just depending on how fast.


got married and the single days ended and thus all his adventures.

(like tommy)


i see hints of trouble from these tidbits of info here…
Perhaps the girls find you equally boring? Just sayin…whispering…


hes on top?

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lessee. you are 17 and you are brainwashed?

All of these girls sound like my wife: shop, watch TV, and buy useless nicknacks for the home. I strongly suggest you reconsider your stance on sex before marriage because when you start having kids there ain’t no time for that.


RIP Omni. Semper fi etc.

That’s not the fakery we were discussing though, was it?

My question is who do you find you have things in common with ?


Dunno, depends what you want to fake.

Here they want to check the right schools, the right grades mostly. Basic common interests. Not complicated for arranged marriages, or so I was told by a classmate in one of those herself.

Interestingly,a couple of my younger Taiwanese female pals have also expressed their dismay at their male counterparts lack of interests beyond the stock market, eating and sleeping.

They like to travel, learn other languages, have hobbies, and yes, do some hiking.


Well, lest we forget, my original comment was “Fake it til they make it.” People in arranged marriages must do that to some level. They don’t know one another, but since they are married, they might be nicer or more polite than they normally are.

Well, one hopes all dates/encounters/relationships are a lot more nicer and polite at the beginning and I hope they keep it up as best they can.

I do believe passion/physical attraction/sex may blind us all to the nastier aspects of someone’s character in a romantic relationship. But “faked” politeness might be worse if the other person never shows their real colors. What’s that meme again, the one about if you want to know someone, make them use a slow computer? There is always the question of how someone reacts under duress, whether it is an arranged marriage or not. Actually I think that if you are infatuated it is harder to see the warning signs.

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OK, I think you might not understand that fake it til you make it isn’t a negative or derogatory thing.

For self confidence, yes, for affections, nope. IMHO.

I think in a case of arranged marriage, it would be necessary to build affection and respect and commonalities. Not as an act, but as a way to establish long term relationship.

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When you get married they got you and often there is little to no sex

Get it all before you sign up

Better yet wait forever before you sign up

In olden days a wife is an institution , one has sex with the mistresses

Nowadays the wife is an institution and you may be having sex with the mattresses


Again, do you think it is possible that “faking it” is in fact acting in a certain way, best foot forward kind of thing, and not being disingenuous?

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It is written that most girls are looking for love while most men are looking for sex …often both sides are faking it

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Ah, your first projection of the new year!

I’m glad I was here to catch it!