I am upset for the reasons I state in my second post

I’ve got roasted on here before as my ideas often don’t go along with the general flow of ideas in general. I just don’t respond to people that get snippy. People that enjoy acting the bully are obviously unhappy and I won’t feed into that. If someone disagrees just say so and move on.

The majority of people on here are respectful of others thoughts. Social media allows people to be rude without consequences vs in person. Just don’t take it seriously, it’s just a message board

I hark back to my beginning days on the flob… Lol. I think I was replied to by one esteemed poster (sorry forgot his name as im forgetful of most things) who made one posted comment about my post and announced he was putting me on ignor . And I then proceeded to put on a bunch of girl in bikinis pics and what not. Not sure why I did that actually? Immature no doubt.

And i was put on flob leave for two week suspension a few times for those pics.

And then I got some sort of reputation for sleeze. Only a very MINOR part of it was true really ! Come on !

And then ahem. I’m still hear (sorry Here) .

So i guess you need to have thick skin and try to have something to actually say in threads without being too controversial, at least not all the time.

Don’t be a smart alek know it all , be genuine and i think it will pan out.
Oh yeah don’t be a dick and personally criticize other posters, etc. Criticize the argument/position/stand/ comment and not the poster.
There’s no magic formula. Just thowing thoughts together here.

Be nice, have something somewhat intelligent to say at least sometimes, don’t be a dick, be genuine, humble, ahh. what else…?

oh and welcome, was it you who said you were a flobber before under another name rather than a newbie? Or did i confuse you with someone else?

Maybe it’s the choice of user name. I mean, you could have gone for Chub, or Woody, or Erection, rather than Pickle.

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Maybe they were going for this?

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bikini pics are so immature, you deserve to have been ostracized…

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I know… DANG. But what’s worse the pics I had were only of TAiwanese women in bikinis !! RAcist and degenerate i know.

Too much photoshop and silicone for my tastes. I like more au naturale.


Maybe they’re calling you a robot/pervert in a loving way. That’s a term of endearment in a lot of circles. Pickle the Perverted Robot. Not half bad. I’ve certainly been called worse things here.

Really? THAT got you banned?! I’d better check out the pics. You know, just to make sure I don’t follow down the same dark path… You wouldn’t happen to have a link handy, would you? :whistle:


think those links have long been purged by the former commandant here. The great Mao. No not THAT Mao, the other one…Maoman.

“Why do so many expats come to Taiwan and act so stupid and do crazy shxt. He’s probably one of those who complained all the time about Taiwan.”

So, this is how you came back into the forum… You posted on an expat forum with a big whinge about how expats are stupid and moan about Taiwan a lot.

And then you moaned that you weren’t welcomed back.

Do the math. :roll:


Whatever happened to robo-pride? Tell them to bite your shiny metal ass! Metal and proud

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You are now.

1+ (kranky foreigner + X prickly foreigner) * several other kranky prickly foreigners= …

its to complicimacted for me

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Mmmm? Went over my head there

It’s ok.

No one ever welcomed me. I don’t even know why I should expect someone to welcome me or me to welcome other people. It’s just words on a screen.

If someone harasses me or says something stupid, I ignore it and move on.

I just realized yesterday that I have started 100+ threads and not one person replied. My imaginary online social life is just slightly frazzled a bit from that but my real life doesn’t care.


I was going to point out that you guys act like if you ignored he’s just trolling but then I just realized that that’s the way to go, and that probably that attitude is further frustrating him.

Good job :slight_smile:


You started more than 100 threads with zero replies? That takes some doing .