Ian Easton on Taiwan: ... in the 2020s, Xi Jinping (習近平) is probably going to invade Taiwan if nothing major changes

But this is also dangerous. Desperation can cause the CCP to do something like go to war. We’ve already seen how erratic and aggressive they got with the virus embarrassing them.


There are at least two cliques if not more in the CCP so they can’t reach a consensus on the choice of war. The red second and third generations are also involved now in the evolution of the CCP.

From the political interviews that I’ve watched on YouTube one third of the CCP want democracy for the PRC while the remaining 2/3 oppose.

But which clique is able to challenge Xi. Xi wiped out the Toad’s clique with the “corruption” purges already, no?

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It’s still happening in Hk now. Last year’s extradition law was about purging more members who transferred their loot to Hk. The national security law nailed the coffin.

I know but what other choice is there? unfortunately, the west must rip this band aid off. The longer we wait the stronger China gets and that will only make things worse down the line. I know it sounds reckless and too optimistic but I think the alternative is far worse.

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I agree. It’s time for the west to wake up to what China is.

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In Taiwan they sell chemicals no questions asked. Most the time it’s alcohol and stuff for making your own soap or cosmetics but also hard core stuff like white phosphorous. You can make an entire improvised Arsenal just out of one of those chemical stores.

I love the idea of TSMC being the band-aid holding together world peace.


CCP tyranny, thievery, corruption and criminality!

Doesn’t matter. He has inside information. He was able to obtain internal PLA documents.

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Based on the link @GooseEgg provided, they will have $10 billion to match state and local government incentives to build a fab. Combined with local and state governments, that’s $20 billion in total subsidies to build fabs.

And each company gets 40% off of costs to build a fab.

A fab costs $15 billion. So that’s $6 billion worth of incentives to build a fab.

20/6 = 3-4 fabs in 7 years.

Not to mention more semiconductor research for NSF.


Generally known cliques are :slight_smile:

Shanghai Clique https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_clique

Youth League https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuanpai

The Princelings

Reform group

Absolute bullshit that any of them want democracy though


Epoch Times is Falun Gong

As is Simone Ago

No offense but most flg is nonsensical. And they love Trump

I don’t think the 紅二代 are working with dissidents, especially those in the state. The reform factions don’t want actual reform or democracy, they are looking to go back to something more liberal and pragmatic like the Deng to Hu era


Probably. There were a lot of protests when it was first propsed from the usual environmental NGOs over displacement of locals, flooding the Three Gorges, environmental problems etc… International corporations hoping to make bucks from it were all in favor.
Here’s a list of companies from Canada, the United States, Germany,France, Brazil etc. who were pushing it. I don’t know if I just noticed it because I’m from Canada, but our provincial Hydro companies in B.C. and Quebec conducted pretty shaky ‘research projects’ giving the project an A-OK. But, you know, stupid hippies holding back progress when Siemens and Bechtel and GE were working with the Chicoms to make some money.

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I watched a covid piece they did (epoch), which was relatively normal (it was about covid, not politics), until the last 5 minutes when they bizarrely started fellating the current US administration with weird patriotic imagery. They can only hold it in so long I guess.


With over 6500 nuclear warheads… Russia is the only competitor.

Nuclear weapons are outdated now. Cyberwar and bioweapons are the new flavours of the 21st century.

Um… you are aware you contradicted yourself within minutes? The Americans are the winners and the Chinese can’t compete because they don’t have enough nuclear warheads except nuclear weapons are outdated?

As I’ve said before. the Chinese don’t have more nuclear warheads because they don’t want more. They have what, over 300? Keep half for the Russkies and Indians and maybe Britain and France if they get too pushy- and what is the 150th target in the U.S.? They could ramp up production tomorrow, except they don’t see any value in “pounding the rubble”.
Conventional warfare, where you dare the other side to go nuclear…that’s another thing.


China in focus is another YouTube channel.

China in Focus and Crossroads’ Joshua Philipp is a long time Epoch Times editor and journalist.

but he knows his stuff, and is not so much into Trump fellatio as many of the other channels from FLG. and he’s a poet…https://classicalpoets.org/?s=joshua+philipp

China in Focus is a production of New Tang Dynasty, a US based FLG company.


Taiwan needs to develop their own military infrastructure, not depend on the US for weapons and aid.

That means America needs to help Taiwan build their own aircraft carrier, submarine, destroyer fleet. Not buy outdated garbage at inflated price from America.

But the fact is America won’t let Taiwan develop their own military infrastructure or industry. They want Taiwan dependent on the US since we’re just their guard dog that has to pay for their own bone.

If Taiwan develops their own military industry then China can’t interfere with arm deals between Taiwan and America as we wouldn’t be dependent on it.