If you could be a tree, any tree, what kind would you be? and why?

Feeling Dutch Fred?
Is that the Native Elm bark beetle or the European elm bark beetle? Remember from Monty Python what happens if you answer incorrectly!

Maybe not this Tree.

Well, the disease was from the Netherlands so Dutch elm disease but the tree was the American Elm was it not? There ainā€™t nothing foreign about Fred Smith no sireeeā€¦ I am an American elm but damn those beetlesā€¦ Damn them to HELL.

Again, I am quite sure that it is the European elm bark beetleā€¦ Note the reference to the Netherlands aboveā€¦ which as we all knowā€¦ is in Europeā€¦ the source of so many diseases including the dreaded conferencitis and even worse the bureacraphlagia.

Well, the disease was from the Netherlands so Dutch elm disease but the tree was the American Elm was it not? There ainā€™t nothing foreign about Fred Smith no sireeeā€¦ I am an American elm but damn those beetlesā€¦ Damn them to HELL.

I see the Americansā€™ point of view hasnā€™t changed in 50 years Fred. When we sent over our 4 Liverpool boys over to sing on a TV show on the States,the Elders gave them the same response :slight_smile:

I would like to be an insanitree.

Huh. Googled it. I ainā€™t the first by any means. Actually, this is a pretty good representation of how I feel today:

If you could be a tree, any tree, what kind would you be? and why?

A whippletree maybeā€¦
Itā€™s useful, too (like all trees)ā€¦

In a pasta life, I was a spaghetti tree.

I think that today I will be a prickly pear. I am irritable and, yet, I still produce so that is what I am todayā€¦ a prickly pearā€¦ yesā€¦ that is about rightā€¦

I was thinking about excellent wine tonight and that got me to thinking about all the useful er uses of corkā€¦ and, so, tomorrow, I am going to strive to be a cork tree for the WHOLE Dayā€¦ Think of itā€¦ think of itā€¦ imagine the impossibleā€¦

That would certainly explain why you take so long on the toilet.

Huh? Whatā€™s that got to do with cork?

Feel like a Mallee today.

Like, on a day when you feel really abstract or fundamentally open-ended you could be a syntax treeā€¦

I might as well think big: Yggdrasil.

Today I feel like plowing a small Japanese Cherry.

I am not sure how plowing a Japanese cherry tree counts as being a tree. Perhaps, you are confusing the hard proud erectitude of a soaring branched beast with the blunt wide tool used to break ground. One IS a tree. The other is made of wood which is FROM a tree. Not the same in my view.

Huh? Whatā€™s that got to do with cork?[/quote]
Rather like Bicycle clips when you have the "runs"but at an earlier stage Fred :slight_smile:

Colorado Fir. :raspberry:

So cork could be another way to say screw you? hmmmā€¦ I think that I am definitely a cork tree todayā€¦ oh most definitely. Want some bark? You can use it to make your own cork. Get it? hahahaahahahah

Today, I am a myrtle even though I am not quite sure what kind of tree that is, but I KNOW that I am THAT tree today.