If you could be a tree, any tree, what kind would you be? and why?

It’s Friday… well, I imagine that it is in most of the world, though it might not be… given these confusing conditions, I think that I am going to be ambivaltree. Others may choose to be something else but THIS is what I feel that I am or should be or rather would be as I should be though I am not though I could be. Know what I mean?

I thought you had been ambivalent for years ? My humble apologies if I am making an incorrect supposition :face_with_head_bandage:. I only base the presumption on your lack of opinions on Climate change data , Trump policies, Middle East developments and so much more . :thinking: Pray tell us of your new medium .

Not ambivalent but ambiguous and are my posts not clearly indicative of the positions I hold on so many important positions? After all, in a democracy, so many voices, so many opinions, and not all of them are parroted talking points, surely? Ah so I am an onion after all… I knew it… I knew it… I knew it…

Someone just used the expression to be bush whacked… is that like murder for little trees? A form of infanticide? Late term abortion? What?

Here we are with another day… another opportunity to ponder… another option to think, to feel, to celebrate… the wonders of what kind of tree I should/could/would be IF I could/would only REACH for the leaves.

Sounds like you need some lovin’…

That was sooo beautiful. One good turn deserves another, so this from me:


@discobot: Do you think Shiadoa will like Julian Carrillo?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot quote:

Will Shiadoa like Julian Carrillo, do you think?

@discobot quote

What about Julian Carrillo? And am I doing something wrong with this F#@#$#@# function again?

:left_speech_bubble: Kings and cabbages go back to compost, but good deeds stay green forever. — Rick de Marinis

@discobot fortune:

I am ASKING about Julian Carrillo. You SEEM to be CONFUSED, no?

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

I’ll take THAT to the bank. You idiot discobot fool.

@discobot quote: WHAT do you THINK of Julian Carrillo? ANSWER!

:left_speech_bubble: Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime, and too sleepy to worry at night. — Leo Aikman

Carrillo :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, a cacophonous mess . I started to realize it was all going wrong with Benjamin Britten . However , should I decide to become an LSD proponent in later life , I’m sure it may have more appeal :thinking:. But the trees … how will we save the trees ? They are listening you know :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And how do you know that THEY don’t find microntonal music to be just the thing to destress the bark/leaves/stems/branches/roots… get the sap flowing… how do you/could you/would you KNOW? I am sure that @discobot quote agrees with me, right discobot?

:left_speech_bubble: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. — Wayne Dyer