If your country of origin were a food item, what would it be?

Apparently the word tempura came from “ad tempora quadragesima” in Portuguese, and originally meant any fried fish. As a result, in the Kansai region Satsuma-age is also called tempura. It’s only in Kanto that the term became exclusively reserved for battered fried stuff.


That’s nothing like Japanese tempura either. I’d compare it to, well, tienbula. Usually sold by the same stores

really? maybe they have also adopted the real name for tian bu la to get more business or just more added confusion. i’ve had tempura here and it was called tian fu luo.

Imagine the unmitigated horror of your national dish being a :banana:in monstrosity like this:


No wonder they all talk so loud…

What the hell is that?!?

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Believe me, you don’t want to know

Ah, just found it. Even the name is disgusting. :face_vomiting:

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I could use a Four n Twenty… I might have to do some research on where to get a decent meat pie here…

both tian-bu-la and tian-fu-luo are just transliteration of the Japanese word 天婦羅, which itself is a transliteration of the Latin word tempora.

Tian-bu-la is a phonetic transliteration of the Japanese pronunciation for 天婦羅, and Tian-fu-lou is people who don’t know what it’s called reading the Kanji with Mandarin.

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What about the whole “sweet not spicy” deal then, Mr Smart Guy?? Huh??

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Someone who knew how 天婦羅 is pronounced reassigning Hanji with matching Mandarin prononciation, and they chose 甜不辣

Come to think of it, you are right, just the name Tian-bu-la reflects the history of Japanese and KMT colonialism…

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Hey, you guys got them giant ass burgers with the beet and egg, nothing :banana:in wrong with that, buddy. :+1:



Oh god, oh god. oh god.

Interesting, I’ve had tianfuluo in tienbula places many times. Kind of like flat sheets of tienbula, not in a broth. Multiple usage I guess

I’ve heard kiwi bird tastes like dirty

I have a feeling this is not going to end well…

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What’s the white deal underneath the burger patty?

thats interesting, i thought sweet not spicy(tian bu la is actually sweet) had something to do with it but maybe not.

Canada is Rhubarb Crumble
Not super bad for you.
Not super good for you.
Satisfying, unglamorous and homey.
Enjoy it now because tomorrow it may be a mushy mess.
