Ignorant Americans at their best

No it was Wernher Von Braun (german). He created the first Ballistic missile that was perfectly working, the V2

And? he wasn’t the first person flying with a ariplane :unamused:
The first airplane with a engine as been created by Cl

What are you - our f@@king mother or summit!! Or the f@@king time police!!
I’m not up late getting hammered. :sunglasses: I’m in a different time zone - where I am it’s seven in the morning. :wink:[/quote]

I was just being openly hypocritical, but it didn’t work since you’re up at a proper hour. :slight_smile:

No it was Wernher Von Braun (German). He created the first Ballistic missile that was perfectly working, the V2[/quote]
von Braun relied rather heavily on Goddard’s inventions.

You should go back to whatever silly little country you came from. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Note: if it was Italy, my apologies, and congratulations on having the sense to reelect Berlusconi.)

If the Left weren’t so inept, and Colmes weren’t so inept as a result of having to conform to a flawed ideology, then he/they might come off better.

No, Coulter is, for rhetoric, the equivalent of James Carville. Moore has no opposite number on the right; his particular mix of half-truths, lies, and outright bullsh*t is purely his own.

Is this why Europe is so preoccupied with the U.S.? I guess that means that the only smart, witty countries are Bangladesh, Mauritania, and Chad. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, the ONLY reason Canada exists is because the U.S. exists. Canada was formed from/by the losers of the American Revolution.

Also, the only reason Canada continues to exist as a separate nation is because the U.S. doesn’t want to take it, and the U.S. doesn’t care about Canada enough to nuke it. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, let’s face it, you folks give us a safety valve for our own malcontents and buffoons. They can always flounce off and go on welfare on the north side of the border when they get too honked off about something, e.g., most of the country wanting a real leader instead of Very Skerry Kerry. :smiley:

For example Without German scientists American will still be riding their cows and won

Is it [i]really[/i] such a choice for you?[/quote]

Oh you’re one to be talking. Ooh, shall we cuddle up to Germany, those nasty Europeans might move East, oh no, Germany’s looking at us. Oh well we’ve still got the Italians, ah no wait a minute, and Germany’s busy with the Western front. (Isn’t that Mr von Ribbentrop a lovely man?) China’s with us at least, aaaaargh the Japanese ! Oh poo there goes Czeckoslovakia, bet ya Poland’s nex… oh dear. Er, em, oh, I suppose we’ll side with the West, but only for the time being. Er em… (and so on for 50 years) :wink:

MJB, if you had written something like, the first person to fly solo across the atlantic, you would have been correct:

But it was done by 2 British military pilots 8 years before Lindbergh set off

Apart from that, the video clips really cracked me up.

For example Without German scientists American will still be riding their cows and won

Is it [i]really[/i] such a choice for you?[/quote]

Oh you’re one to be talking. [/quote]

When the PLA [i]does[/i] come to Taiwan, be sure and wear your Chairman Mao t-shirt and stand on top of your apartment building waving a PRC flag while singing “Dongfanghong” because you’ll be waiting a long time if you’re expecting either the Royal Navy or Irish Navy to evacuate you. BTW, I see that the Irish Navy now consists of eight (count them…8!) ships. A truly awe inspiring force! :laughing:

resource.yqedu.com.cn/statics/js … nghong.mp3

Too many arguments…

I didn’t think much of the Coulter clips. The bits with Carlson were pretty funny though, not least because he was doing a pretty amateurish job of keeping a straight face.

By the time he had finished his dog sledding bit he had lost it completely and was already starting to laugh by the time the camera cut away from him. I think that Carlson might have had Parrish convinced if he hadn’t started laughing at the end. At that point the gig was up and she knew Carlson was just trying to mess with her to get a reaction.

I actually did a google search after I saw the clip to see if there was any more but couldn’t find anything. One thing I did notice was that there were a few blogs out there which had completely fell for it. They were convinced he was serious (I assume they only read a transcript, since if they had seen the clip they would have seen him struggling to keep a straight face and then finally losing it) and were astonishingly worked up about the whole thing.

Oh well. A little entertainment for us, and a few more dollars in Carlson’s pockets as he will no doubt have provided enough of a ratings pop to guarantee plenty of return invitations to do similar performances.

No it was Wernher Von Braun (German). He created the first Ballistic missile that was perfectly working, the V2

And? he wasn’t the first person flying with a ariplane :unamused:
The first airplane with a engine as been created by Cl

Chill man, don’t let the debate of this amusing video clip degenerate into a US-Non US shouting match, of which there’s more than a few to pick between in the IP forum. Everybody.

come on, we all know that the first proven controlled flight was done by the Wright brothers. no-one is slighting them.

I always find it amusing when expatriates get nationalistic. They were born in their country by chance and maybe lucked out somewhere in life in their homeland and then ended up living in another country. I know living away from home does make you prouder of where you come from but…it was due to luck.

[quote=“Gubo”]A good policy may be to avoid posting in threads which contain inane phrases such as “Ignorant Americans”.

Too many people get their jollies from two things:

  1. America bashing
  2. Reading the responses of Americans riled up by such drivel

I’d have to agree with this point. Why directly insult a nation of nearly 300,000,000 people, when the greater majority(299,999,997) had nothing to do with the offence?
Jesus poeple, you’re becoming that which you hate.
Everybody knows that Canada and America have had(more or less) good relations(save the Avril Aero thing a few decades ago, and the on going fued over Niagara Falls and the Thelon Rainforest, the attack on Canada’s integrity as a neighbor in result of the damage caused by Illinoise power cut and a few other mute points) over the last hundred or so years.

The people in the clip are simply insane and warped individuals who would more than enjoy getting a rise out Canadians, and further inflame tempers, only to stand in the rear of the crowd while regular Canadians and Americans, which would otherwise have nothing to do with such things, come to blows.
These people are ungrateful fools who don’t realize what it means to be shot, killed or torn apart by shrapnal.

Everybody in the world knows that Canada has no enemies, and that it’s actually Canada that protects the States by maintaining it’s early warning systems in NORAD. But really…Norway!?
Can anyone argue that if another country took Canada, America wouldn’t also be under imediate if not future threat?
Besides, Canada has a more than healthy relationship with Europe and the rest of the world and has enough allais to feel secure enough anyway.

It’s only in the last decade and a half that American government has begun it’s badass on the block stance with Canada (obviously due to the fact that the enrgy crunch is nearly upon them). After enjoying a cooperative century, the American government is unfortunately being overrun by murders and thieves with nothing other than sadistic dreams of being a one time leader of the “biggest&baddest nation ever.”

How is it that a “democratic” nation could suggest that the greater good of just 300,000,000 poeple outway that of the other 6,180,000,000, who populate the rest of the world?

Is it [i]really[/i] such a choice for you?[/quote]

Oh you’re one to be talking. [/quote]

When the PLA [i]does[/i] come to Taiwan, be sure and wear your Chairman Mao t-shirt and stand on top of your apartment building waving a PRC flag while singing “Dongfanghong” because you’ll be waiting a long time if you’re expecting either the Royal Navy or Irish Navy to evacuate you. BTW, I see that the Irish Navy now consists of eight (count them…8!) ships. A truly awe inspiring force! :laughing: [/quote]

I suppose you know that the Irish government now has two Concordes ? One for crop spraying and one for air-sea rescue.

Never forget the hundreds of thousands of Irishmen who fought in the World Wars. Obviously they were all wide-eyed idealists fighting tyranny, and not just doing it for the King’s Shilling. Anyway, what do we need a navy for? It’s very rough out there in the Atlantic, you know, people could fall in and drown. We get enough of the water falling out of the bloody sky, without having to out looking for it in boats. In Ireland “navy” is just a colour. If we could be arsed, we’d have a “green”. And it would be a bloody good one too. With a free bar.

Dong Fang Hong? I have already memorised the words and modified a Vietnamese flag I picked up on holiday, in preparation for the Liberation of Taiwan which has been slightly delayed. They’ll not catch me napping, Comrade Stalin. Unless they come at the weekend, I suppose.

I wonder if the Commies put British Rail in charge of Taiwan liberation? (“We apologise to comrades waiting for the 1949 Liberation of Taiwan. It has been delayed due to the wrong kind of snow on the tracks. The Politburo apologises for any inconvenience.”)

Anyway, I don’t really want to be evacuated. I’ll stay and see who fights and who runs.

Any relation to Avril Lavigne?

Like hell. 54-40 or fight! We shall retake the northern wastelands! Death to the baconistas! :fume:

There’s actually pretty good evidence that it was by a Kiwi named Richard Pearse. However, he apparently gave up on it after others started getting attention for their work; his own secretiveness worked against him, leaving his work largely unknown.


I really doubt the Americans would come. And if they did, they would fuck up big style.
US military might? Might being the operative word. The US might be a superpower, but it hasn’t proved itself yet. (Think Korea, Vietnam, Iraq).

[quote]And America footed the bill fighting communism during the cold war.

With little regard to the fact that Britain had to foot the bill for most of the North Atlantic defence capabilities, the gift of airfields to the US and
the thousands and thousand and thousands of flying hours where RAF planes had to do 24 hour Combat Air Patrols; the construction of thousands of nuclear bunkers across the country which can still be seen, derelict and dotted about the countryside and the installation of hundreds of nuclear war heads.

Add to that the the cancellatin of the TSR 2 (costing billions) which was at prototype stage (An aircraft designed to penetrate deep into Russian airspace, drop a bomb and get out) because the US pressured the UK to drop it as it may have impaired their F111 sales, and you can see that even during such tensions, the US cared more about its pocket then for its closest ally.

On the other hand, the US rarely participated in Combat Air Patrols from its bases in the South of England, which is as far away from Russia as you can get.

It’s alright saying the US footed the bill, but when you are the other side of the world, things are a bit different.

Just like radar, I suppose.

Because its funny. And you make some good movies. Sometimes.

It’s no coincidence that the US came to the forefront after WW2 when Germany was spent out, France was, well France, Britain was broke and Japan was nuked.

What was it? The Hamilton project or something where the US headhunted scientists and engineers after WW2 to work in US companies and the military. The US was in a prime spot because after all the devastation and destruction of factories and infrastructure and debt in other countries, the US had more than a head start without the use of foreign labour and technology.

I don’t really have a problem with the US and I certainly don’t with Americans. But there is one aspect that I dont like which is that the US portrays itself as the worlds answer to everything and that everything you see today was designed, invented or otherwise an American idea.

I really doubt the Americans would come. And if they did, they would fuck up big style.[/quote]

(yawn) Tojo thought the same. Hitler thought the same. Saddam thought the same. Where are they?

South Korea. Free and Democratic. Vietnam. Communist. Thanks Europe. Iraq. Liberated and on the Road to Democracy. Afghanistan. Also liberated and on the road to Democracy.

[quote=“Dangermouse”]With little regard to the fact that Britain had to foot the bill for most of the North Atlantic defence capabilities, the gift of airfields to the US and
the thousands and thousand and thousands of flying hours where RAF planes had to do 24 hour Combat Air Patrols[/quote]

Let’s see. The UK didn’t repay the US for the loans and aid in either WWI or WWII. And you’ll never pay for the Americans who died defending your little rock in the Atlantic. I think we’ve paid quite enough for our “special relationship”. More than enough.

cambridge-news.co.uk/archive … ead99.html

I really doubt the Americans would come. And if they did, they would fuck up big style.[/quote]

Obviously the Chinese doubt it too. They leave Taiwan as it is just out of the kindness of their hearts. Or maybe they’re scared of the big waves.