Is Taiwan racist?

That’s true. I was speaking more on I think the most recent sale is about a billion which is not a huge game changer for the US as a whole. To the individuals that it directly impacts, yeah.

I’m not saying modern=western. I’m saying modern=modern. The Spanish Inquisition was western, but you can go to Spain with no fear of it now.

As for the global village, it’s not exactly there (or here or anywhere) yet, and I’m not necessarily in favor of it. What I am in favor of is general improvement of health, safety, and fairness, including equal treatment under the law. I don’t believe one size fits all when it comes to development, but if you claim to be a first world country, you keep signing international agreements, and you want to be taken seriously and accepted as a responsible member of the community (and attract “special” foreign professional talent), any elements of your culture that get in the way – such as foot-binding, or authorizing Cardinal Ximenez to torture suspected heretics, or guanxi-first-law-second – need to be reconsidered. (And yes, some things in thoroughly modern countries should be reconsidered too, but that’s another story.)

If some aspect of a culture is so important that it should trump the law, the modern solution is for it to become part of the law, formally, in writing, so everyone can know exactly what the rules are. Taiwan has this for some aspects of guanxi and Confucianism, e.g. the penalty for murder is higher if the victim is the murderer’s lineal ascendant, and the penalty for harboring a fugitive is lower if the fugitive is a family member. (Also, the penalty for murder is lower when it’s infanticide by a new mother, but I don’t know if the rationale behind that is supposed to be Confucianism, medical recognition of post-partum depression, or something else.)

You really think they wouldn’t help out all that much? Wouldn’t they be forced if the CCP started killing cilvians?

If that happened, Japan and the US would bomb the PRC back to the stone age and rightly so! Tora Tora Tora Commie motherfuckers.

That’s not encouraging :slight_smile:

The US would win a war with China as of right now, but this war would devastate the US. This is not 1955, China is huge and nuclear now, and a big trading partner. The only way the US attacks China is if China attacks the US, not Taiwan. The cold era ended, No one would help Taiwan and it would fall within days. China is just waiting for the right time and is not in a rush neither.
Only a crazy president would start a war wit China account of Taiwan.


Read the Taiwan Relations Act backed by the US Congress. Unless Taiwan rocks the boat, the US would defend, and if they still have LDP leaders in Japan with balls (such as Abe) you can be sure the Japanese will not be far behind. And rightly so!!! Of course, good relations and trade are preferable but if China is the aggressor, you can be sure the West will respond and will kick some Red ass.

Are you waiting for that too?

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See how long that is going to last… good luck

5 years and counting.
She appreciates the truth in regards this issue.

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Have you talked to her about moving? Sounds like you might benefit from it.

Yes and she likes the idea. She lived for 7 years in Spain before.

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What made you guys decide to come back?

A study in this article gives an opposite conclusion.

It is possible though, that black people are less likely to be shot but killed more effectively or killed by other forces.

Never took you for an idealist.

I`m a hybrid. 51 percent neocon, 49 percent realist. :face_with_monocle: Guess that puts me slightly more on the idealist side.

The headline isn’t really well worded. It’s not that black or Hispanic men are more likely to die in instances when police use force (as far as I know). They’re saying that overall, there are simply more instances when police use force and kill black or Hispanic men. One reason for that is higher violent crime rates among blacks and Hispanics

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Look at what happened to Crimea, a russian invasion of a Nato applicant with stronger ties to the west (Ukraine). West response was some useless economic sanctions. You say that the west and Japan would help too… so what do you think that Russia would do (helding some macro war games with 300k Russian soldiers and along with China), Iran, etc… So here we go world war 3 account of this resourcess less tiny island. I am so happy to know that this will not happen… Anyone thinking otherwise is not wise and anyone wishing otherwise has a real problem, like the one this island is facing…

No, but I do not buy property in Taiwan and plan my retirement well outside and far.

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Please don’t respond about Crimea being a part of Ukraine. Historically, it has been a part of Russia for centuries. Read up on its history, because it appears you don’t know it very well.
Second, Ukraine is NOT a part of NATO. It wants to be, but as of now, it is not.
So, 2 strikes against your thesis.

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