Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

It’s really too bad that at the end of that video a cop isn’t bashing that guy’s taillights out with a nightstick.

That neither traffic related death nor drug usage has anything to do with development, unless they are severe to the point that they negatively affect a country’s life expectancy, which Taiwan and Britain are parity.

Actually Taiwan’s was most likely higher in 2020 as like 100k ppl died due to Covid in the UK.

What the hell is wrong with that driver? Is he (it’s no doubt a “he”) on drugs?


They are separate things. Drugs are about personal choice, and the consequence is felt by that person.

Dangerous driving should not be a personal choice as it affects everyone else. It goes against my right to safety that a car has more rights than a pedestrian, or a car more than a scooter and can push them around willy nilly.

If you want to start a thread about england’s problems go ahead, it would be an interesting discussion but it’s got nothing to do with this.

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That is so wrong. Drug addiction is an epidemic. It overwhelmingly preys on the most marginalised (aka the poor) in a society. Sure celebrities use drugs too, but the poor are by far the most affected.

Both the lack of consideration for other vehicles and pedestrians and the drug epidemic are cultural.

Disagree, so far i can’t recall one situation that my english life and safety were bothered by other peoples drug addictions.

In taiwan my safety was compromised every single time i went outside, which was several times a day. Different problems mate.

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Like I said, drug addiction affects the most marginalised people. You don’t always see them, that doesn’t mean they aren’t dying in record numbers.

That’s hyperbole. Yes the traffic is a mess but I rarely feel like my safety is compromised.

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Typical whataboutism.

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Try to use a zebra crossing as a law-abiding pedestrian and not feel your safety is compromised. Happens at least once a week that a car drives full tilt refusing to stop.


I am always a pedestrian. I can’t ride a scooter or drive a car.

Why not?

Well, I have no interest in killing or being killed.

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How are you getting around Taichung?

If you actually try to stop you will get run over from behind. Its too bad that it has become that bad… F everyone else I’m important, get out of the way.


It was that bad 30 years ago. I remember my wife (GF at the time) telling me not to stop to let some kids cross the street at a crosswalk because
a) the guy behind you will just run into you or
b) the guy behind you will just speed up and try to go around you without considering that you might be stopping for a reason.


Taiwan maybe need lollypop man, :smile:

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Taiwan has lollipop volunteers around the schools, they do help.


I usually take the bus.

So he can be a target for luxury cars to aim for :laughing:


Just saw a Go Panda motorcycle use the crosswalk to go through the intersection. Worse is he was swerving in and out between people.

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