Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

You can have the perfect bus lane and the perfect sidewalk once the scooter problem is cured - the cure is simple like I described.

If you get the order right, things start falling in the tight place.

Currently are 15 million or more scooters scuttling like untamed animals. These are actually the same human beings that line up orderly in Taipei MRT.

Go back to first principle and see that if you have a Physical Environment conducive to maximizing chaos? Sure enough you get chaos.

many scooter riders wont take the mrt cos of the cost. Just saying.

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Enforce the laws that exist will go a long way to fixing the problems.


Agreed, redesigning the roads and junctions and monitoring behaviour is very important.

In Taoyuan city there are junctioms that are literally designed to kill pedestrians. All so the trafffic can flow slightly faster.


Money motivates, for changing behavior. Cops could enforce more rules, they should be paid more and also should lose the job more easily when they are caught not enforcing traffic violations.

While this would solve the problem, as you seem to suggest these are impractical given the society preferences (and, frankly, needs).

Sounds good on paper, but what if I tell you that the scale and scope of “violations” is too huge and too rampant that law enforcement already gave up?

If everyone is speeding one highway, how many cars can law enforcement pull over? 1, 2?

That would be a good start.


As soon as a few fines get posted in Line groups, PTT and Facebook groups Taiwanese will pull into line.

Honestly, a single approach will always fail.

Countries that change bad parts of their cultures go about it in a similar way. Often it includes media campaigns, enforcement of laws, policy discussions as well as peer pressure.

Taiwanese are no different. They will act appropriate once these bad behaviors are exposed for what they are and laws are enforced.


These should be higher, currently not a deterrent for many violations

The solution to taming 15 million animals is not to create a safe-space for them to procreate.

Also maybe we shouldn’t be taming them but killing them.
You know, replacing them with things like bikes and pedestrians and all the benefits they bring with them.

I like your idea of a separate protected lane… but for bikes of course!
Scooters can stay on the pavement and crash themselves to extinction.

Sorry the thread woke up with a bit of a kill-all-scooters feeling in me.

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Because there is no peer pressure as well. Yea he fine is a punishment, the fear of peer pressure is the deterrent.

That’s why I suggested having people report traffic violations. In order to make it worthwhile to them, have the traffic offender pay the first reporter. It also automatically scales.

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Yes, this also. I’m not so simple as to see a single magic bullet solution to what is clearly a multi faceted problem

Changing the mindset from traffic having priority to pedestrians is a big step that needs to happen. Until that happens I don’t really see much will for improvements.

Where I’m currently living if you want to continue walking up the high street you have to cross an intersection which takes a lot of crossings and takes a really long time. It’s clear things are set up for traffic first and pedestrians need to work around it.


When the physical environment encourages maximum entropy for scooters, people choose scooters over other modes of transportation.

How do you, in a free market society, force people to not use one product but use the other instead? You can’t.

Once you make design and build the physical environment such that scooter’s inherent mobility can no longer be abused, then whether people use bicycles or scooters or both are no longer even an issue. All modes of transport can coexist orderly.

I do think changing the environment in which they operate would help discourage, but I think the reason people primarily buy scooters is due to different reasons:

  1. Affordability. They’re way more affordable than cars and pretty affordable for someone on even the lowest salary.
  2. Public transit will always be less convenient if your main method of transit can’t be the MRT. Buses just don’t cut it if you live in the outskirts of the transportation system

ding ding ding

Monkey see, monkey do

I agree the mobility of scooters is the underlying problem. Scooters just seem to bring out the homicidal selfish asshat in people.

Govt could just tax scooter riders more whilst lowering bus fares, but it would be risky politically. Would take a very brave leader.


Ban all scooters in certain urban areas. Scooters should only be allowed in the rural areas.

Do like Japan. You must own or rent a place where you can park your car and/or scooter.

No street parking, no sidewalk parking, no free public parking, EVER!

If your scooter is found parked on a sidewalk or along a public road, then it gets impounded and crushed. Zero excuses.


Lol, you’re hilarious. This is how:

Regulations that make public transportation cheaper and easier, regulations that make scooters less cheap amd convenient