Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard

I’m surprised the Sun hadn’t already hacked his cellphone, but I assume he’s taking legal action against his previous legal team. What a cock-up.

Some of the dumbest people I’ve met have been lawyers, so maybe it’s not that surprising.


Nobody comes out of this looking good. They were made for each other… both are toxic pieces of shit.


Depp would be more fun to have a night out with.


Depends who you wish to bed.

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So far it’s not looking good for Depp. His email suggesting he cut his own finger off and the accidental head-butt seem difficult to explain away.

My God that man takes a lot of drugs.

Some way, some how, it all goes back to Jeffrey Epstein

I love it when actors are so qualified for their roles that they barely need to act, from real life couples playing couples (like Liz Taylor & Richard Burton), to an aging sex symbol with an unhealthy attraction to rock stars playing an aging sex symbol with an unhealthy attraction to rock stars, to Johnny Depp playing, well, Hunter S. Thompson, for starters. :crazy_face:

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They both sound like toxic, hot messes. Wish they’d both go away.

Was probably a fun crazy party weekend together by consenting adults, and then one person later distorts it.

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Why was he asked to step down but Amber heard not asked. They both work in WB films. Seems pretty unfair.

Because he lost and she won? :thinking:

I heard he’s going to appeal btw.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Election withdrawal (big time – and big league!)

Some people think Heard is a garbage person. Some people say Depp is actually the garbage person. I think both of them are garbage people and that’s why they ended up together. :man_shrugging:

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To me it looks like Johnny is an addict thats wrecking everything around him, Amber looks like an abusive manipulator. Which is why I think if they would ask Depp to step down, be fair and ask Amber to step down. Or just pretend it goes away. Doesn’t seem fair only 1 side was asked to step down.


Man, Depp’s testimony is some deep sh*t. Better than any interview could ever be. Wonder why all of that is relevant to the case, though.

Just watched the bit about his mother. So sad.


The stuff that’s coming from their employees is revealing. Heard spitting in their faces, saying how dare you speak to me.

Back in ancient Greece actors were considered the absolute lowest of the low (Caligula trod the boards, nuff said).

Depp and Heard simply want to restore that tradition.
Should have gone to see Tobias Funke.

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