Lefttube / Breadtube General Thread

They are very smart, very well funded and understand our society and its weakpoints very very well. They are completely entrenched in our systems

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homeboy organic seems to be.

this is true, and they have total control of their own state media and internal dialogue. the us has the same, but to a lesser degree. some may think the us’ version is more effective because many us citizens don’t realize they are surveiled.

if by anti-establishment you mean anti-capitalist or anti-american imperialist, you would be correct. the cia only steps in to overthrow leaders who don’t want to live under the thumb of us capital interest.

might doing the heavy lifting in this one. i’m glad you’re gonna check some of it out though, get back to me and tell me whether you think it’s a ccp-funded psyop.

can you explain your criteria for “way bigger state apparatus”? is the largest military and intelligence community in the world (america) not the way biggest?

that is one of the reasons, true. it’s not the only reason, and to claim otherwise shows you really don’t understand how weak the ccp has a grasp on a country of 1.3 billion. it’s just as much about exerting internal force as repelling external influence.

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Where did I do that? I mentioned the CIA twice.

hooboy. Are you serious? They’re a shadow of their former selves. Sure they have a lot of fancy kit, but they’ve discarded a lot of their cold-war skills.

sorry i misspoke and addressed that at the bottom of my reply to finley.

There are 70 million members of the Chinese Communist Party. It has its tentacles in every single aspect of Chinese life. State owned enterprises compete with private enterprises in China. The SOE line the pockets of the CCP.

I could go on, but considering the China is leninist Totalitarian country, I dont think I need to argue that the Chinese State and its resources dwarf anything in the Us


you’re referring to the CIA? yeah they’ve been neutered for sure. no secret police in the same obvious way as china. the us military and intelligence gathering is still tops tho, so yeah that’s a true statement.

It doesnt have a weak grasp, what are you talking about. It has complete control over every aspect of public and private life, thanks to the development and adoption of the latest AI and surveillance technology. The CCP have complete control, they monitor all conversations and transactions.

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nope, not at all.

intelligence is different from surveillance, which china has in spades over any other country.

i’m talking about the spirit of the people. obviously everything is state-controlled and monitored lol, it’s a fash authoritarian country. that doesn’t mean everyone there supports the party or is happy about it. they just aren’t allowed to say otherwise.

Have you ever been to China? Or spoken to Chinese people? Here is a longitudinal Harvard Study that shows that the CCP has 95.5 % satisfaction rate https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/

You might baulk at this, but have a look at the methodology.

Why would you possibly think that? China is completely entrenched in our systems, instutions, governments, academia, industries etc. We have free open internet and our whole society is completely porous. We opened the door and let the devil in.

so… you’re saying the people are satisfied with CCP? sounds like a good system if people are happy? what are you saying exactly?

Yes they are satisfied according to the Harvard study. They are also quite brainwashed. There is discontent with aspects of the party, but most people have been serverly brainwashed and are happy with the huge rise in their quality of lives over the last 30 years.

cause we allow it.

you can get free open internet in america but most folk rely on google, which is going to show you things you’re already in agreement with or stuff that supports a narrative.


i dunno dog, i think the dissatisfaction is higher. of course their gonna say the ccp is great, they don’t want to be listed.

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if a company is doing it instead of the state, what’s the difference?

Did you look at the methodology?

What are you trying to say? Im saying that the internet is much more open outside of China so that the CCP is able to gather more intelligence. The Chinese internet is a walled garden and controlled