Lefttube / Breadtube General Thread

then please say as much. also, what was illogical in thought slime’s reasoning past the 8.5 minute mark?

also could you kindly point me toward these people because i’ve not met any personally and would like to avoid them. who are they?

Is that the part that is worth watching? You might want to put that up front next time, I do it when putting up long clips, “check out from A to B” save everyone some time in having to watch through the guy acting the fool.

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It was reasonable enough, but it didn’t merit a 15 minute video. 1 minute 30 would have made the point … which is hardly earth-shattering anyway.

right and a sound argument requires examples as reasoning for making a point. if you didn’t like the presentation that’s fine. mick sure didn’t.
clearly you’re not the target demo for this type of video and yet the people posting are here to gripe, often without engaging with the subject originally posted. kudos for giving it a shot though, i do appreciate that.

not required, but it definitely strengthens an argument

This doesn’t fly when the righties trot it out on the peak woke or cancel culture threads, either


im finna keep posting thought slime videos because I know he’s a hit and also I find him entertaining :slight_smile:

Was seriously thinking of temping the first one to start posting about “super straights” but this is a reaction video to people posting about “super straights” which no one on here mentioned.

Normal cycle, one side does something stupid, ban Mr Potato head or start throwing around the term super straight, :roll_eyes:. The other side has reaction to the stupid action, :yawning_face: and finally the originators of stupidity reveling in the fact they triggered the other side.

All seems like trolling to me.

Yup. The problem however is like much of the vile that started as jokes and trolls originating or popularized on the chan sites, it has seeped into social media at large and actually gets picked up by less mentally gifted and spread around, particularly in rw circles. Q anon is a great example of this, that it works, and it can have a real impact on society.

trolls and saboteurs see the success of q and are keen to spread other hateful rhetoric. you may scoff and say it’s ridiculous but it nonetheless gets picked up and a small percentage of people actually buy into it.

it wouldn’t be a big deal if it wasn’t - like much of the similar content coming out of the chans- thinly veiled nazi ideology.

of course it’s ridiculous. it’s stupid as hell. but it’s still getting some people to consider and accept harmful ideology perhaps for the first time when they otherwise wouldn’t. this stuff accumulates.

dan’s back baby! i watched the hell out of this film as a teen, used to love pink floyd.

great quote from this that made me actually laugh out loud:

“some things are going to take all week, no matter how half you ass them” - dan olsen

one of my favorite creators broke down israel palestine

although her last couple videos weren’t my favorite, Natalie absolutely killed it with this one.

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this could also fit in the movie thread as it’s feature length. what a wild ride this one was and heavy heavy with the philosophy. i think i actually understand nietzche’s slave morality now when it went over my empty head before.

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It’s so long, and it took so many months to make. But I feel all her work paid off, because it is my new favourite.
I liked when she explained how in the US it is normal for celebrities to flaunt their wealth, while in other cultures the rich try to conceal theirs and pass as middle class. My country is of the second kind and displays of opulence were something that always made me feel uncomfortable.

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yeah the states has a similar thing with the younger generation. kids from affluent families dressing full normcore or distancing themselves from their wealth by becoming crust punks. i used to see these exact kids every summer when i lived in Portland. kids move to the city to panhandle on the street with their dogs and play shitty black flag covers lol

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Hbomb tackling vaccine controversy. Yes he gives off try-hard vibes at times with his physical comedy, but still really well-researched and funny to boot.


Dan Olsen breaking down crypto, NFTs, and the veritable ponzi nature of it all. Incredibly dense, I had to watch it in 3 sittings to absorb all the information. Another certified banger. I just hope he isn’t the reason my crypto wallet has taken such a hit this last month /s.


That’s a spectacularly comprehensive takedown. Thanks! I’m gonna send it to people thinking about putting their money into any of this nonsense.

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that’s great. i still haven’t given up on my crypto, but it’s good to be educated about what you’re getting into - especially considering all the grift involved.

been a lot of videos that fit this description this year, but this one from a couple days ago feels quite poignant regarding the current discourse in
Discussion on privilege etc
Taiwan is a xenophobic country. Change my mind

regarding the blind spot that many here have regarding white privilege or “white luck”

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