Lego unveils first LGBTQ set ahead of Pride Month

Well done to your kids, that is the best thing to do with these Lego sets.

My kid made them very nicely but they then sat there gathering dust, and they love dust, on the shelves for ages. The it was on to the next bloody expensive set. He is now at University, and the bloody things are still all over his room, and woe betide me if I suggest getting rid of the damned things.

Yeah, I snorted a bit at it- I was just being snooty.

Oh, no-one. The product is “clearly shit” and “pretty stupid” and “a pretty cynical piss take” by “pretty lazy” designers and “stupid and not fun” and “hypocritical and ridiculous” and has “a lack of variety” and will only be bought by parents who “have gone batshit” and will make kids think their parents “have gone batshit” and is “quite offensive” because it supports racial segregation (I hope that one was sarcastic) and “85% of sets won’t ever actually be opened” and “no one would want this” and it will make kids “really disappointed”… but no-one’s melting. I totally take it back. :upside_down_face:

Misrepresentation alert!

When I call something clearly shit or cynical I’m not having a melt down. I can’t vouch for anyone else, though.

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Honestly I don’t get the rightist assholer-than-thou circle jerk here. What’s the problem? LEGO made a stupid product so what. They are a private entity. If there is a market for that product then y’all are wrong and LEGO is right and if not, then the product won’t sell and they will never make another one. Whether the product is pandering to LGBTQ, the new feminism movement is going too far or whether trans athletes should be allow to compete with biological females are all irrelevant here.

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I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t think anyone else had a problem. I just thought it was dumb and a lame toy. That’s pretty much it.

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Sorry, I was scanning rather than reading. My bad. Have I gone batshit? :thinking:

@discobot fortune

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:crystal_ball: Outlook good


With the heat in this thread, I feel a cluster of mini-melts. How does a simple add-on pack for a children’s toy arouse such passion?

Could have fooled me. :cactus:

It seems like you had more of an issue with people saying it’s not a fun toy than me having an melt down lol :laughing:

Since you thought so, what was my problem with it? I said it was not fun. You kept trying to make way more out of it like me saying straight couple legos you went to find was ok and the rainbow was not, I said repeated it had nothing to do with it being a gay lego and I didn’t say either was ok or not ok.

Why do you always pull this BS? It’s getting tiresome with my conversations with you. My only comment was on the fun factor of a children’s toy.

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If it’s much ado about nothing, then hey, it’s nothing, so who cares?

Don’t worry, be happy. :slightly_smiling_face: :rainbow:

My problem is more to do with you. Why do you always pull this crap? I talked about the fun factor of a toy and you went about how I’m saying something was fine and another is not fine like it had to do with it being a gay lego. I said it did not. I didn’t comment on that issue at all but you had to bring it up. No one else thought that’s what I was saying besides you.

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Specifically the concept of toys having or not having a sexual orientation – if they go on dates or get married, it logically follows that they do have one. People just tend not to think about it if it’s hetero.

Then why not PM me or flag my posts?

Just don’t engage with me if you’re going to waste my time.

I told you it was stupid and boring as well. My point was never if something was fine or not. It was about if it was a fun toy or not as everyone else got.

You did say

and if you think about it, you can see there was a resonance with the muppet controversy, whether you intended for it to sound that way or not.

Anyway, we probably both have better things to do than argue about toys all day long.

I posted that it would sell loads, so I presume that excludes me from y’all rightest assholer-than-thou.

Totally agree that it’s a stupid product.

SOP. Conservatives rush in waving their arms and screaming about the destruction of western civilization, liberals point out that it’s no big deal, conservatives whine “so how come you’re making such a big deal about it, huh?”, liberals try to explain they’re not, they’re just reacting to conservative freak out, but by then conservatives have moved on to next shiny new poutrage: “Joe Biden wasn’t really driving that truck!!!”- rinse and repeat.