Let's talk about impeachment

That is the beginning of another discussion for another day.

You didn’t address the impeachment. I’ve stated that it is possible once he leaves office. I’m curious on your thoughts.

Impeachment is only an indictment so that can be achieve before he leaves office. Conviction for the charges following impeachment after is leaves office has not yet been tested, it should probably be escalated to the supreme court first.

Well you say yes, and Alan Dershowitz says no, assuming one can go ahead as you say.

Then the Senate will be in Democrat hands, from what I hear they want to give Biden a few months to kick off his Presidency, after which, they will have had enough time to do their polls and surveys and make the decision to go ahead if it seems politically advantageous, which it will be.

The only question is will enough Republicans go along with it, which is going to be yes, many of them would have been in the yes column first time round. The problem the first time round was Trump had 95% approval in the Republican party. This time, big tech is removing all his supporters from their platforms, shutting down alternative platforms they might inhabit, basically chasing them off the internet, leaving one big happy circle jerk of Trump haters.

Plus anyone who says things like “Biden lost” will also be instantly thrown off the internet, such things are not allowed.

It’ll be worse than when Obama confiscated all the guns, shut down all the churches, and shipped the dissidents to FEMA camps. Or was that FIFA camps, which would be worse.

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NYT reporting Moscow Mitch is happy with Trump impeachment, he thinks it will allow Repubs to shed themselves of Trump. :joy:

It just goes to show how stupidly naive the leaders of the GOP are.

They’re tied to Trump now for good, they will always have to bow down and lick his supporters’ boots, come next election cycle.

Commendable action from a moderate republican.

Nothing wrong with preventing products made out of bold-faced lies from being sold in the marketplace of ideas. It’s called consumer protection - much of which has been written in blood. It is a joke that you think that the Trumpist propaganda that the election was “rigged” should even have a place on the shelf. All it does is foment instability, as its existence in the marketplace gives the low-information consumer the (false) impression of legitimacy.

I would suggest getting used to it, seeing how idiots addicted to said products just recently tried to execute a checkers-tier coup at the US capitol.

“Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results”, and team Trump have known for a long time that if they groom enough low-functioning and impressionable idiots they could essentially use them as patsies. They have gotten them to believe absurdities, and finally they are beginning to flex their potential for atrocities.

The veneer of plausible deniability is starting to wear, however, and more people are thankfully starting to realize the truth.

Let’s hope your wet dream of the US being plunged into further disarray will have to take a rain check.


Watch how many of Trump’s future defenses, and the defense of his supporters who are arrested, amount to “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.” It’s bankable.


Pointlesss… time to start the introspecton process…

Someone misplaced their funny bone?

What a sophomoric tweet. Further proof really, that an embarrassingly large subset of Republicans have drunk the Trump Kool-Aid. Their groomed preference for meme-fueled (don’t forget seditious) thought leaders over actual bona fide governance is despicable and out of touch with reality.

I guess this is one of the consequences of electing a reality-tv star grifter to be the 45th president and have him poison the country for four years.


In the context that should not make anybody laugh. Viking guy is a treator (edit: traitor :-1:)

A trick or treator?

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Introspection as I said…

Got it :rofl:

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Do you believe that Biden lost? I know that’s not your point but I’m curious. So it was rigged, you believe? The election was stolen from Trump?

I was listening to some of the Republican house members today, total bullcrap, they are still in Donny’s pocket.

Ok, this is what I believe, an election should be free fair and transparent with no suppression of votes. I hope we agree on that.

The US election was a mess, some concerns have been brought up such as the software used and I don’t think this is limited in scope to Dominion. If I were a US citizen I would want to be assured the software used by these machines was on the up and up. I don’t believe the concerns have been properly addressed.