Major Mosque shooting in Christchurch NZ

I’m agreeing with you about video games not being an issue and adding the question of why I see white nationalism becoming more common.

Uhm, there was no GoT era.

Society has taken the day to day violence from some of us, but many people live with the threat of causing or being on the receiving end of violence all the time. Society has taken violence and the threat of violence and made it into games and media and filled our minds with it from cradle to grave. And we wonder why we have more people falling to pieces.

I realize that lol…Was a joke.
Meant the dark ages. You crossed the church or king and you were in the receiving end of torture and painful death

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Let me know when someone does that. Eye’m not. There’s a catalogue of difference between being programmed by nature/evolution for violence and acting violent in today’s world.



well, I didn’t know if you going to go with ya, and the dragons are all extinct now and we’re being told their bones are dinosaurs. :wink:

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I agree with your premise though that the violent tendencies are just repackaged today into media.

When I walk around in downtown Toronto I do fear getting randomly shot or stabbed. It isn’t all that common but common enough. That’s one reason I’ve liked Taiwan so much, generally no need to be overly fearful

I don’t think humans could have survived without violence being in our nature and being capable of violence.

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Huh, when I was there for a baseball game a couple of years ago, I thought it looked like Taiwan. All that dirty glass.

And if cavemen had had guns…well. :whistle:

Anyway, thanks folks. I’m trying to process this event, and coming here helped. Cheers.

I think part of it is that though. At least for some terrorists, they see themselves as fighting for or defending their group

There is behavioural epigenetics. I’m no expert on the subject, but I believe it’s an alternative explanation as to why societies can go through periodic episodes of violence. Obviously the usual theory is limited resources.


This kind of flippant statement is what I’m talking about. There’s an implication here that we are all capable of doing something like this, when most of the people we know couldn’t even think of doing such a thing.

It’s not about violent or nonviolent natures at all, it’s about certain poisoned souls.

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I get it now. Apologies!

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oh we can’t be friends then, does once being in the military and shooting our enemies count as violent ? Or a good deed?

We are all capable of doing something like this. Do you think the gas chamber operators and SS kill squads that lined up Jews to be shot in a ditch are so different from you?


Different time different place different situation yes we might all be capable of killing, especially our enemies

Yeah, people are capable of doing a lot things they never imagine under certain circumstances. I think it’s dangerous to think we aren’t, a lot of damage was done by people who think they’re always right and incapable of fault.


History shows us that most, if not all, people are capable of doing things like this. In reality, most people end up being passive bystanders to it, but a considerable proportion can become active participants and they’re often normal people. Nazi Germany was an example (Godwin’s Law has been invoked).


The thing is, there are no circumstances in this case. I’m sure I’m not capable of doing that as long as I’m in my right mind. That doesn’t mean I would never be violent.

some people just enjoy violence in fact millions do.