Missing Person, David Allan Broderick, “Dave”, Canadian

You should fill in your information as the contact. I’d fill the title with: 加拿大籍濳水教練在臺失踪兩年多,家人求網友幫忙尋親 (Read: Family member of a Canadian diving instructor, who has been missing in Taiwan for more than two years, asks the internet for help), then in the content field, just link to this discussion and the English news article.

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Dave appears to be more inclined to spending time out in the ocean, not a mountain person.
Maybe his ex-wife made up the story about the mountains, broken down scooter, cctv footage etc to throw everyone off.

@Davesbrother , how much of the ex-wife’s story can be proven factual so far? I believe you said earlier that the only thing confirmed via government agencies and not the ex-wife, is that a missing persons report was filed which had no mention of a search party or helicopter. Is that correct?

I’m just willing to believe someone could hire a helicopter for a search, but search where? That would imply that there was good knowledge of his probable last location. I’d really want to get a look at the missing person report


You are assuming rational behavior. Don’t.

That’s correct about missing person report was done by wife in Taiwan. I asked my government agency if there was any mention of helicopter or surveillance footage in the report and they said no, but maybe got lost in translation or something.
If the wife were to make a story up she would have to make it believable, why would she lie about cctv footage and a helicopter if it puts her story at risk ??

I agree about the whole thing. Her story is Dave got into a car, whats a helicopter going to see?

I wonder how they know the scooter was broken?

Sounds like the action of getting into a car if true, was premeditated and the scooter breakdown if true, was not directly connected. Unless someone just decided to harass him for some reason.

Could of been involved in something that angered someone.

Maybe she even invited him to come meet her knowing he would be on a scooter or told someone else who did something unknown to her.

I’ve been around Taiwan enough to know that even the most normal people will do the most crazy unexpected things.

Yes , it’s very strange. Difficult when you have so little information. The Ex-wife’s family certainly is pretty large and appear affluent.
some things do not add up , but it’s hard to guess without info.
Maybe Dave wanted custody of his daughter ? Strange to scooter from Taipei to Taitung …and back. That is one hell of a journey on a scooter.
The time after they were divorced seems to be more or less lost. That’s why someone needs to look into this in Taiwan, check Health Insurance payments, mobile phone records etc, Police need a firecracker inserting . Probably only public pressure may do that at this point .

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As far as I know Dave does not know they are divorced.
Was finalized Sept 2018 by her and a lawyer.
My government told me she had to wait 3 years before being granted, but that is 22 months after disappearance. She is back at their house in Taipei, gave Daves’ clothes away to aboriginal people. His guitar is still there. This info came from her along with a picture of the divorce so that I can pursue this as next of kin.

Going to sleep gang, will check back tomorrow

The CCTV footage story also does not add up. How did the ex-wife (wife at the time) know where he was at the time he was picked up?

Did he call her? Was she in Taitung at the same time but not with him? If strangers picked him up and the pick up was not arranged by the wife, there is no way she could know where he was. Would cell records still exist that far back?

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Just spit-balling here, but Dave is / was a diver. Is it possible that he disappeared because of some kind of underwater accident? Are dives always logged? Can they be done alone?


The missing Taichung teacher… went missing found safe.

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@Davesbrother your questioning of why the wife would need to mention helicopter search and CCTV footage if they were not true is valid, however the reality is Taiwan is completely different from what we are accustomed in western world regarding searches etc. I think you are being very naive believing everything she says just because no one in their right mind would make up so big excuses. I tell you: a Taiwanese would, just to make you think they have done enough and you give up the whole ordeal.

The culture here is a very ‘good enough’ culture. So if something is not done properly but just ok it is good enough to be considered finalized. What they don’t know is that most foreigners don’t think that way and you shouldn’t as well.

Please stop taking his ex wife word as fact and ask for the receipts of Helicopter search payment, company name and contact. Double confirm the company exists in public domain and the phone number is not just one of her friends pretending to be the helicopter pilot who did the search in this or that place but couldn’t find him. Do a Google search of the helicopter company and get their phone by info online.

As for the CCTV, there is no way she would know where he was at the moment to pin point which camera number the police should look into. I would say to stop even taking into consideration anything the ex wife say at all. At this point her contributions are not helpful and stop talking to her and going directly to the font would make more impact.

Get the date the report was filled, company name of helicopter search (don’t call the number she gives you as company contact), publish such missing report online to the news with report number shown so that the police would respond as an unfinished job on their part. Please just stop thinking his ex wife would be reasonable enough to not make things up.


It’s quite clear he doesn’t.


Actually I can see part of the problem for @Davesbrother, even he got the details about which parking lot the video was taken, the address and telephone number. The chances of anyone at a parking lot being able to speak English is next to zero. I suppose if he got those details, someone on here might be able to lend a hand, but thats another thing

I’m confused about the helicopter. They are usually used when someone goes missing in an area difficult to cover on foot. If he was seen getting into a car , the helicopter sounds like utter BS , he could have travelled 100s of miles , in any direction.


Somebody with common sense!

There are some people here who regularly attend Canadian chamber of commerce meetings and maybe some who know people at the cultural office in Taipei . I think good old pressure from a foreign country may help get more information . Missing report filed … end of story … is not acceptable .Any Canadians ? I do know a Taiwanese police inspector … I will ask them to check also

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@maoman if you read this, the forumosan community could use your help!
