MoI changed the ID Number format

I’m being serious.

Except here.

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How do all the “foreign” parts you listed get household registry?

Seriously, this system is one of the most byzantine parts of the ROC on Taiwan.


Well… you apply for what we usually call citizenship.

In the old system, A and B were dissolved and merged into 8 and 9, the successors of C and D.

Taiwan doesn’t have a concept of traditional citizenship and only mentions nationals.

When you get household registration, IE receive the rights we usually call citizenship, your number changes to a 1 or 2. In your case, 1 cause you’re a guy.

an image that explains the new ID format


So gender binary remains.

How do they get away with this. We can’t even have a building in my uni without a gender neutral washroom.


Very few countries let you add a third gender and the ones that do, have done so relatively recently.

A while ago I suggested adding a third number to @au/@audreyt

But I don’t know if Audrey had any say in the matter.

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There aren’t enough digits between zero and nine to represent all of the supposed genders anyway, especially if the government wants to retain the ability to discriminate between locals and foreigners based on ID numbers (as it apparently does, or it wouldn’t have been deliberately implemented into the new numbers).

Maybe they could squeeze in digits representing “citizen non-binary” and “foreigner non-binary” or something, but otherwise it would require the numbering system to be completely overhauled (and be changeable during one’s lifetime).


It’s really simple actually.

3 and 7.

Canada uses an X for non-binary.

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And then when the non-binary person tries to use their new number on 90% of websites in Taiwan, it would throw up an error saying that the number is incorrect.

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Yep. Maybe now we’d have some Taiwanese backers on our side to fix the issue.


You’d also still have the problem that people would need to be able to change their number (e.g., to switch from “1” to “2” or “3” as desired, which may require the rest of the number to be changed if the corresponding number is already taken) and update it everywhere they use it, then for the two sets of records to be linked. You can probably guess how well that would be implemented in practice…

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They’d probably do a better job if they had to contend with constituents.

This is a country that tries to make friends with it’s SEA neighbors by inviting students and then not protecting them against the abuse of their rights, not to mention how they treat migrant workers. Not enough people care about rights, non-binary genders is barely on the radar, they’re certainly not going to do anything about it. I don’t know if it’s legally acknowledged.

How to change gender legally.

as much as we all love Taiwan, I think you are giving the government WAAAAAAY too much credit in thinking they would think about anything in these terms. their websites STILL dont accept their own coding systems for fucks sakes… I mean, babies cant do algebra at 2 years old.

That’s going from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1. It doesn’t really solve the non-binary issue @afterspivak raised. I think he wants a bathroom for 0, 1, 2, 3, X, ?, !, etc.

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function isLocalID(id)
   // if Taiwan did not have such a  government unable to convince companies  to change their javascript then we wouldn't have these all problems  B.T.W. They all have to change to code anyhow to allow 8 and 9 
  Accumulated it costs almost a week of time for visits to change  accounts in person for health card, car registration, bank accounts, investment accounts, pension fund etc.. but you don't get free holidays for that. . Thank you very much incompetent bunch.

    government = false
    incompetent  = true   
    return (!government = incompetent); 

Another bullshit policy. @fifieldt

Anyone who was forced to get the new ID number in the first year, will not get a fee refund for updating their NHI card. It is free only after 2022.

Why the upset?

Because the whole thing is ridiculous?