Moon Cakes, to eat or not to eat

Whatever you elect to do with these things, do not try to import them!



Things may have changed, but my family in Taiwan always ate every single mooncake they got their hands on.

Except me, i never really liked em at all. Except one. The Chocolate mooncake by Imei. Those were decent.

If Taiwanese really are not eating them, then perhaps the tradition will die out.

i’m cool with a couple per year. the taro ones are great, green bean not bad. traditional or other more heavy ones…not so good.

pineapple cakes and tai yang bing are the taiwanese cakes i can eat a lot of.

most small cakes here are too dry for my liking. i would describe the texture as ‘dusty’

I’ve never liked mooncakes. As a kid, my mom tried to get rid of them by providing them as breakfast, but I could never stomach more than half of one, and only the red bean flavor, none of the egg ones… It’s a relief to see I’m not the only one who dislikes them.

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they make good powerbar-type energy bars for cyclists/triathletes. other than that, blehhh

It’s unbelievable how much moon cakes people are schlepping home!

I just had to carry home a box of pomelos that my wife got at work. And if our home is going to be filled by Mid-Autumn Festival freebies, I’d rather have mooncakes.

Today I was actually craving a Snowskin one for some reason. Damn Keto diet screwing with my head…

Was about to say something like that, about mooncakes having the same amount of calories as four Big Macs.

Mooncakes taste great

I also can’t stand them. I dont even know what to do with all of the ones I receive every year.

Can we get these here? :heart_eyes:

Someone posted a snowskin filled with durian. Picture that and your hunger will go away. If it doesn´t, I´ll put the actual picture. It will do the trick.

Pomelo season too, seen them around lately, people send them to friends by mail.

Those pomelo boxes look all fancy, such beautiful marketing of such an ugly fruit.

… and difficult to eat …

But in Taiwan it’s all about the box, not the content.

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Poor quality 沙拉油 from an unidentifiable origin, add sugar, put cakes in pretty tin boxes. The big joke is, no one actually eats them, they just get passed around, until some unsuspecting fob waiguoren, who married into the family, eats them. I hope he/she survives whatever contaminants they are sullied with. If they come near me they get torpedoed into the rubbish. As far as the packaging goes, what a waste of metal, for something you use once. Not very sustainable, especially if the Chinese do this too… #ihatemooncakes

OK that’s it we’re getting to the bottom of this thing right here right now, I have to know too. Do all these cakes getting passed around actually get eaten or not!!? I mean the whole box.

I have a bag on my desk and I don’t know what the hell to do with it again … year after year

By reading the comments you would think mooncakes taste like sock juice mixed with pee, can’t believe it. It has a lot of calories alright but tastes good, like eating one when I am starving after a tough working out session.

You can have all of mine