Most Famous Alien in Taiwan

How come no one has mentioned my hero Lol? Intellectually, he stands head and shoulders above anyone else who has ever posted here. Also, he contributes more to expatriate life in Taiwan than probably any other foreigner living here. However meritorious those other writers and columnists may be (I did especially like Almas John’s book), and with all due respect, none of them are in the same league as Lol.

But there are many highly worthy people posting here – the cream of Taiwan’s foreign community, to be sure – and many of them (many of YOU) deserve to be as highly celebrated as the average Mark, Sally or Roz who happens to become a household name for whatever reason wherever.

Yes, Lol, right on! What does he look liike?

He looks English

I seem to remember that they used to put a little picture of him next to his articles when he wrote for the Taiwan News (during that paper’s brief heyday when Anthony Lawrence was M.E. and there were several excellent writers and journalists on its staff, before it all began to unravel, the good people left, and the paper plunged to its current miserable level).

Here, here! :sunglasses:

Here, here! 8-)[/quote]
You mean “Hear, hear!”, surely. :?

It was supposed to be a play on words, but the word-police caught me!

“Because Anyone’s Better than Lien Chan. I mean, come on.”

Lien Chan: The only candidate for president to have pushed his wife down a flight of stairs!

I wasn’t sure which thread to put this question in, but I’ll stick it here.

I just found this article in the Taiwan News: Amazing Taiwan adventures. It is about Kevin McCaffrey from Arizona, now living in Taiwan. He apparently hosts his own Taiwanese (Taiwanese language, not just made in Taiwan:!: ) TV show called Where the hell am I?.

I assume he is not a Forumosa member, but I wonder if anyone knows anything about him or has met him.

Don’t know the fellow, though I am a fellow Arizonan (there are 5 million of us now). Seen the show. Mandarin ability so-so; speaks limited Taiwanese and a bit of Japanese. Extremely cheeky guy, but the locals seem to love him. Sort of like Beaver Cleaver, only tall and red-headed. Major props to him for having his own show at such a young age. It was at least mildy entertaining.

Perhaps I should change the title of this thread to “Most Famous Foreigner in Taiwan”. Perhaps our pool should be a little bigger.

Ok, that is what I will do “Most Famous Alien in Taiwan”

Take me off topic and I’ll just go along with you all - call this the “new stream of consciousness” if you like. :wink:

Dear Boss Hogg

What about the promised poll for the most famous forumosa member? Did you forget that one or were you too busy basking in your 15 minutes of fame in the “About Boss Hogg” thread. :slight_smile:

[quote=“wix”]Dear Boss Hogg

What about the promised poll for the most famous forumosa member? Did you forget that one or were you too busy basking in your 15 minutes of fame in the “About Boss Hogg” thread. :slight_smile:[/quote]

I think that the confines of “Forumosa” were too small a fishing ground to find someone famous. Yes, there are a few who are famous here, or semi-famous. However, the flow of this thread has taken things outside of the group that makes up Forumosa.

A poll is still a great idea, but, in order to make things fair I need to collect all the names needed for the poll before I start it. This would make voting fair, wouldn’t it? I mean if I add names after you vote you may want to change your vote when a new name appears.

My 15 minutes of fame has been entertaining and I hope that particular thread will continue for quite some time yet. I guess I just wanted to bring a little lightness into the atmosphere here, it’s all too serious with all this talk about Iraq, foreign policy, and SARS. A bit of fun is a welcome relief for me from all the seemingly bad news.

The list keeps growing -
Boss Hogg - famous for having his own thread on forumosa. :wink:

On a slightly different note, does anyone of you actually speak Taiwanese “fluently” (conversational is good enough)? Just out of curiosity.

Now that Boss Hogg has thrown open the nominations for most famous “alien” in Taiwan I’d like to list my nominations.

Poagao – American who became Taiwanese, served in the Taiwanese Army and wrote a book about it
Hartzell – crusader for justice and the rights of aliens in Taiwan
Dan Bloom – the man who loves Taiwan’s night markets so much he wrote a book about them
Robert Storey – author of the Lonely Planet Guide to Taiwan. Apparently lives in Taitung.
Lynn Miles – burnt his US passport in protest against the war in Iraq. Long term campaigner for human rights and democracy in Taiwan.
Linda Gail Arroyo – another activist for human rights and democracy in Taiwan
Brian Kennedy – lawyer and human rights activist
Igor – linguistically talented TV News reporter
Dean Zavolta – drummer in Wu Bai & China Blue

Sorry, not many women on the list. Maybe I should have nominated Ironlady :slight_smile:

Wix wrote: “I wasn’t sure which thread to put this question in, but I’ll stick it here. I just found this article in the Taiwan News: Amazing Taiwan adventures. It is about Kevin McCaffrey from Arizona, now living in Taiwan. He apparently hosts his own Taiwanese (Taiwanese language, not just made in Taiwan:!: ) TV show called Where the hell am I?. I assume he is not a Forumosa member, but I wonder if anyone knows anything about him or has met him.”

I heard via the grapevine, or the betel nut leaves, that that show has been cancelled. Something like the show was cancelled, then re-instated, then cancelled again. The
execs at the network apparently could not seem to make up their mind. On one hand ratings
sub-par and budgets almost nonexistant, but a friend who knows the people producing the show, an independent firm, I guess, said that fans they did have were
vocal and growing…

Apparently the host of the show, Kevin what’s his name, all 23 years old of him, is stuck in the middle not knowing whether or not
he’ll be able to
make rent for next month. Show biz really eats them up and spits them out here, doesn’t it!

it must be an uncomfortable feeling for him, being on the
edge of
a tightwire in a foreign country…not knowing if his ticket to fame and fortune is cancelled or back on again.

Just goes to show. If you a teacher, don’t quit your day job (or night job if thems your hours…) There’s no future in show biz here for anyone other than a few lucky ones like Jeff and Chocolate, and of course, the great and multilingual Igor from the new channel. If anyone can make it here, it will be him.

Full report on the erstwhile young lad in today’s eTaiwannews:

to be honest, the most famous alien in Taiwan is probably Mr Extra Testicles himself – E.T.